Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Here It Comes: Deceptions, Diversions and 'UFOs'

Tim Burchett kicks off bombshell UFO Congress hearing as three whistleblowers testify that US is in possession of alien craft

A former intelligence officer today suggested people have been murdered as part of the conspiracy to keep UFOs a secret in a bombshell hearing held by Congress. 

David Grusch - a former high-ranking intelligence official - is one of three military whistleblowers testifying under oath that they know firsthand about secret programs involving technology far surpassing the US' capabilities.

During the first-of-its-kind hearing today, Representative Tim Burchett (R-Tenn) asked Grusch: 'Personally, have you heard anyone [has] been murdered?' Grausch said: 'I have to be careful answering that question. 

'I directed people with that knowledge to the appropriate authorities.'

Grusch was sworn in Wednesday, along with Ryan Graves, an esteemed former pilot, and Navy veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor. 

Opening the hearing this morning, Rep Burchett promised that their testimonies would serve as a landmark moment in uncovering 'the biggest cover-up in history.'

Graves was the first to give opening statements, reminding Congress he had endured two deployments during his time in the US Air Force as an F-18 pilot.

He told the committee that he and more than 30 aircrew members and veterans have experienced UAPs, unidentified aerial phenomena, along with members of Congress who have confided in him.

Graves said, as an F-18 pilot in the Red Rippers, their squadron was 'split by UAP' during a training mission near Virginia Beach in 2014.

He described the object as 'dark gray or black inside of a transparent sphere.' It was about 15 feet in diameter and came within 50 feet of the lead aircraft.

The mission commander ended the flight, and the squadron submitted a safety report, Graves continued.

This story is more common than we expect, Graves said: more than 30 witnesses had told his group about similar sightings.

'Often, they are veterans with decades of flying experience,' he added.

Graves also said, ' UAP are in our airspace but are grossly underreported.'

Grusch spoke next, providing details about how the US government has 'intact and partially intact' extraterrestrial vehicles.

'Due to my extensive executive level intelligence support duties, I was cleared to literally all relevant compartments and in a position of extreme trust both of my military and civilian capacities,' Grusch said.

'I was informed in the course of my official duties of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program to which I was denied access to that additional read-on when I requested it.'

Representative Glenn Grothman asked Grusch if he firmly believes the government has possession of UAPs, to which the former intelligence officer responded, 'Absolutely.'


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