Wednesday, July 26, 2023

British Foreign Ministry: Russia is preparing "something" in the Black Sea - It will intercept commercial ships to Ukraine

British Foreign Ministry: Russia is preparing "something" in the Black Sea - It will intercept commercial ships to Ukraine

The possibility that Russia is preparing "something" in the Black Sea, causing new tensions in the region, the British Ministry of Defense points out, as it appears from the daily bulletin published by its intelligence services.

The British Ministry of Foreign Affairs estimates that Russia will try to impose a blockade from the sea on Ukraine, in order to prevent the export of grain from Ukrainian ports, such as for example through Romania, which has been offered for this purpose.Specifically, the intelligence services of the British Ministry report:

“The Russian Black Sea Fleet has changed its posture since Russia withdrew from the Black Sea Initiative (BSGI), prepared to impose a blockade on Ukraine.

The modern corvette SERGEY KOTOV, has been deployed in the southern Black Sea, patrolling the shipping area between the Bosphorus and Odessa (this is the warship which, according to the Ministry of Defense of Russia, became the target of an attack by Ukrainian USVs – unmanned surface vessels).

There is a realistic possibility that it will be part of a preparatory group to intercept merchant ships that Russia believes are headed for Ukraine.

The BSGI Agreement has moderated the involvement of the Black Sea Fleet in the war: but now there is the possibility of an increase in the intensity and scope of violence in the region."

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