Monday, April 25, 2022

The Great Game Morphs Into The Great Reset

The Great Game Morphs into the GREAT RESET

What the entire planetary civilization is now witnessing is the final stages of the Great Game where the Western powers are determined to conquer the Russian Federation in order to steal everything in sight from Saint Petersburg in the west to Uelen in the Far East.

There is simply nothing that the Zio-Anglo-American Axis will not do at this point to steal Russia’s vast lands and resource-rich territories—NOTHING!  Once the Brits were kicked out of India in 1947 and the Hong Kong handover took place in 1997, they have set their sights squarely on Russia with great focus and resolve.

This is exactly why Russia is forever bashed by the mainstream media, especially in Great Britain and America.  It’s why the UK and US have relentlessly vilified all things Russian for many decades.  It’s why President Putin has been demonized as no other head of state since Adolf Hitler.

The bottom line here is that with the final end of the Great Game just
around the corner, there comes the ending of everything …
Both sides of this British purposefully misnamed Great Game,
which is really an epoch-ending world war,
are playing for keeps.

Because no one really knows what the highly consequential outcomes will be, what can be stated with certainty is that a series of unparalleled worldwide cataclysms will soon transpire is quick succession.  This unprecedented leveling of the international order will shake things up so that everything we see today will likely be gone tomorrow.  However, as this devastating Great Game morphs into the even more destructive GREAT RESET, there is a tremendous amount of uncertainty about the actual outcomes and especially the aftermath insanely anticipated by The Powers That Be

No matter what the end result, there will be astonishing and unexpected eventualities experienced by the two main players of this Great Game—the East and the West, respectively.

The Zio-Anglo-American Axis of the West has always treated the BRICS-aligned nations of the East with tremendous disrespect and disdain.  Russia, China and India, in particular, have born the brunt of British-American imperialism.

At this crucial point of the Third Millennium, the UK-US Empire incorrectly believes it holds all the cards to finally win this Great Game that’s really an out-out war on national sovereignty and individual freedom.  On the macro level, this is a real “War of the Titans”, that is, one where the victor takes all and the loser is left with nothing

However, because the Global South has become such a strong independent force within the world community of nations, the tables have been turned on the power elite who rule from Rome and the Vatican, London and Brussels, Berlin and Paris, New York City and Washington, DC.


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