Monday, April 25, 2022

'Great Reset' - Globalists Continue Push For Digital IDs

'Great Reset' Globalists Continue Push to Usher In Digital IDs

Globalists behind the "Great Reset" are continuing their push to usher in digital identities for the world's population, whether people realize it or not.

Klaus Schwab, the founder of The World Economic Forum (WEF), details his plans in his book, “COVID-19: The Great Reset.”

A key part of this plan is a "global ID system."

For years, the WEF has promoted the implementation of digital IDs, and ensuring that everyone on the planet has a legal, digital identity is part of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

However, there’s a big difference between identity and identification.

Identification refers to documents that prove you are who you say you are, while a digital identity is NOT merely a form of identification.

Your “identity” is who you actually are, and a digital identity will keep a permanent record of your choices and behaviors, 24/7.

These data can then be used against you

The WEF has clearly stated that our digital identity will determine “what products, services, and information we can access — or conversely, what is closed off to us.”

As reported by Dr. Vernon Coleman with The Exposé:

“Now that they’ve got most people cowering behind the sofa or under the bed because of the fake COVID threat, they have introduced two new threats to the menu: war and storms … they were always going to do this…

Wars are coming too — as they threatened some time ago. We’re clearly heading for another long Cold War with Russia and China on one side and America and Europe on the other.

It is difficult to avoid the feeling that Schwab is behind the scenes pulling strings and if, following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the West does decide to intervene militarily, it will be because the conspirators want it to happen and see it as a way to further damage the global economy and cause a few million deaths.

Remember that ruining the global economy is an essential step on the route to the Great Reset. The rhetoric coming from Washington and London certainly suggest that both Biden and Johnson are desperate to exacerbate the situation, cause more terror, push up energy prices and terrify everyone.

There’s no doubt world wars have been part of the plan from the start.

They need chaos, mass casualties, and financial chaos in order to create the desperation necessary for people to give up their freedoms and give in to tyrannical control.

But the stick is not the only tool in the technocrats’ toolbox.

They also use carrots, and perceived convenience is an oft-used one.

Case in point: digital IDs.

The World Economic Forum (WEF), founded by Schwab, has for years promoted

the implementation of digital IDs, and ensuring that everyone on the planet has a legal, digital identity is part of the United Nations’ 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

“Convenience” is a key incentive for digital IDs.

With a central digital ID on your phone (and eventually an implanted chip), you’d be able to do everything from checking into a doctor’s office to securing a mortgage.

In an article arguing for digital IDs, the WEF also stresses that millions of people who flee their homelands due to war or persecution cannot secure refugee status due to the fact that they lost their identity documents in the confusion.

Or perhaps they’re jumping straight to implants?

They also claim nearly a billion people have no legal identity and therefore cannot open a bank account, get a loan, or vote.

But is that really justification enough to foist digital IDs on everyone, whether you have a real need for it or not?

No, it’s not about need. It’s not about convenience.

It’s about them getting control over us.

It will be used to give the ruling technocracy insight into our financial transactions — yours and mine.

The Canadian Freedom Convoy and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act offered a rare glimpse into the power they want over your finances.

They want to be able to single out every single person that contributes to an anti-establishment cause, even if it’s just a few measly dollars, and seize everything you have in retribution.

Trudeau had to invoke extraordinary emergency powers to do that.

In the future, the ruling cabal wants to be able to do it automatically and continuously.

Make no mistake, the digitization of your identity and finances means they’ll have the power to throttle your finances if you misbehave.

In a worst-case scenario, they’ll have the power to turn you into a non-entity, locking you out of your identity credentials altogether.


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