Monday, May 4, 2020

Remarkable Facts


By Daymond Duck

Many believe Bible prophecy is being fulfilled all around us and we are getting just a tiny glimpse of what the Tribulation Period will be like.
Here are some more remarkable facts.

One, on Apr. 20, 2020, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz agreed to form a new National Emergency Unity Government.
On July 1, 2020, they will initiate legislation to annex several areas in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria).
Expanding Israel’s borders is a good thing, but there is a big problem.
Israel and the U.S. are proposing a map that will divide Israel and set aside perhaps as much as 2/3 of Judea and Samaria for a Palestinian state.
The good news is that the Palestinians probably will not accept that; but more importantly, God will not accept it either, and He may respond (see Joel 3:2).
Two, on Apr. 21, 2020, it was reported that YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki admitted that YouTube has removed thousands of videos because they contradict World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations.
So, the Director-General of the WHO is a Communist from Ethiopia; his main support comes from China; Pres. Trump has suspended U.S. contributions to the WHO for parroting China’s lies and mishandling the Coronavirus Crisis; the U.S. States of Missouri and Mississippi are suing China for lying; and YouTube is censoring those that contradict what the liars at the WHO say.
Truth and freedom will not be tolerated in the coming world government; and lest we forget, the WHO is working with Bill Gates, Dr. Fauci and George Soros to force everyone on earth to be vaccinated and tattooed (Marked), if they want to work, buy and sell.
Three, on Apr. 22, 2020, it was reported that 19 members of the G-20 held a virtual meeting and called for a document to be signed to strengthen the WHO and put it in charge of a coordinated worldwide response to the Coronavirus Crisis.
Trump did not participate, but if he had not blocked it, the WHO would have already been empowered to mark and track everyone on earth (see Rev. 13:15-17).
Considering what the U.S. Constitution says, why should U.S. citizens be forced to obey an unelected organization (the WHO) composed mostly of foreigners under a lying Communist leader that is influenced by Gates, Soros and Fauci?
Four, on Apr. 21, 2020, the Executive Director of the World Food Programme told the UN Security Council the Coronavirus Crisis may cause widespread famine of Biblical proportions in more than 30 African nations (see Rev. 6:5-8).
We are now being told that there is a chance of some food shortages in the U.S.
Five, on Apr. 24, 2020, UN Sec. Gen. Guterres announced that the Global Vaccination Response Team will be headed up by French Pres. Emmanuel Macron and Melinda Gates.
Macron is an avid supporter of the New World Order, and Gates is the wife of Bill Gates, a strong advocate for population control, mandatory vaccinations and digital tracking of everyone on earth.
It is impossible to overemphasize how remarkable and dangerous these events are.
The globalists are not going to wait until Jan. 1, 2030, and try to get a one-world government up and running in one day.
Laws must be written and put into practice; many groups, including the 10 Kings, must be approved, staffed and funded; offices and equipment must be acquired; those that oppose it must be brought under control; a global economic system must be established; the world government must be funded (Guterres recently asked for a 10% global tax), and more.
The process of bringing this about appears to have started, the globalists are not going to back off, they are going to become more aggressive, and where the Bible says this is going is more dangerous than the Coronavirus.

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