Monday, May 4, 2020

Blessed Assurance

Blessed Assurance

By Dennis Huebshman

Frances Jane VanAlstine lived from March 24, 1820 to February 12, 1915. During her lifetime, she wrote more than 8000 hymns and gospel songs. In case that name doesn’t ring a bell, she was better known as Fannie Crosby. VanAlstine was her married name. Though she was caused to be blinded by a quack doctor shortly after her birth, she did not use this as a “handicap”. She stated that she forgave the person that caused her blindness, and said she held no animosity in her heart toward him.
She heard many times about how sorry people were about her blindness. It’s said that a Scottish Minister once told her it was too bad that God did not give her the gift of sight. Her remarkable reply was, “If I had been given a choice at birth, I would have asked to be blind; for when I get to Heaven, the first face I see will be the One who died for me. (all emphasis mine)
Even though she could’ve been bitter, she chose a most beautiful pathway that has brought a mass of inspiration into this world. As I looked through just a partial list of songs credited to her, memories of worship services all the way back to my childhood came to mind. I never realized one beautiful person wrote so many of them.
Her husband was also blind, and they met at the New York Institution for the Blind where she was a student for 8 years, and then stayed after graduating as a teacher at the school. They married in 1858, and were separated only by his death in 1902.
For being a “non-sighted” person, her hymns give us a most graphic view of what will be coming just about any day now. She gave us “visions” of Our Savior, and that He will come for us to take us away to be with Him forever. She “saw” more than any sighted person I know; including me.
The song “Blessed Assurance” was written by her in 1873, yet the words are absolutely significant for today’s world:
(1) “Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine. Oh what a foretaste of Glory Divine. Heir of Salvation, purchase of God. Born of His Spirit; washed in His blood.
(c.) This is My Story, this is My Song; Praising My Savior all the day long. This is My Story, this is My Song; Praising My Savior, all the day long.
(2) Perfect submission; perfect delight. Visions of Rapture, now Burst on My Sight. Angels descending, bring from above. Echoes of Mercy, whispers of Love.
(c.,3) Perfect Submission; all is at rest. I and My Savior, are happy and blest. Watching and waiting; looking above. Filled with His goodness; lost in His Love.”
Ms. Crosby developed a great relationship with the Savior, and was not afraid to say, “Jesus is Mine”. How many people today are so intimidated by the ways of this sinful world that they won’t even acknowledge the name “Jesus”, except maybe to use it in vain? After all, according to this satan-driven world, to say you Love Jesus would make you a “hater”.
The chorus – Her Story, Her Song, Praising Her Savior all day every day – is absolute perfect “communion” that she experienced every day, not just an hour or two each week. She knew without a doubt she was a part of Jesus’ “Church” in or out of a building. A true Lamb of God.

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