Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The WHO/CDC/Gates Models Have Been Horrifically Inaccurate - Catastrophically So

Luongo Rages: #FireFauci Should Be The Rallying Cry For A Generation

And now, after more than a month after shutting down whole swaths of our economy and locking people in their homes under effective house arrest it’s also clear that most of this response was overblown and unnecessary.

And here in the U.S. the point man on this insanity has been Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) whose ties to all the worst people you can imagine run very, very deep.

Now this morning, the Surgeon General Jerome Adams has effectively announced the U.S. has dumped the models created by the CDC and the WHO — models backed by Bill Gates and forced on the scene by his gatekeeper Fauci. From Breitbart and Fort Russ on Adams’ radio interview:
Data vs. Models: The Coronavirus Task Force is now working with real-time data about the country, Adams said, instead of the predictive models that were criticized for being overblown and exaggerated. — Breitbart

From Fort Russ:
He explained on the Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow, that given the new data, businesses will begin to re-open as early as May, others in June.
This runs contrary to the out-and-out fear-mongering of Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates who have made a media tour, threatening the public that businesses may not re-open for six months to a year, or until and unless governments purchase their conveniently patented, big-pharma vaccination.
According to Dr. Adams:
“What the American people need to know now is we actually have data, and so we’re tracking that data,”
Before this about-face, which appears to have come as an order from the Trump administration in consultation with the findings of Dr. Adams, the task force was working with’predictive models’, which had been created by the Bill Gates dominated WHO and CDC. Dr. Fausti’s control over the CDC has been criticized in the past for its for-profit motive in handling a range of illnesses from HIV to H1NI.\

The WHO/CDC/Gates models have been horrifically inaccurate, catastrophically so.

  • If I didn’t know better I’d think these guys were economists for the Fed or the IMF. I thought this was supposed to be about science (SCIENCE!)?
  • If so I have a couple of questions for the so-called experts?
  • So why wasn’t the CDC advocating widespread testing while monitoring the data from Wuhan?
  • Why were the media roasting President Trump over his travel ban from China?
  • Why were people like Fauci, as late as early March saying this wasn’t a big deal, when he knew otherwise?
  • Why is no one roasting New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s chesnuts over an open fire for not shutting down the biggest transmission vector in the entire country, the mass transit system?
  • Why is every death in the U.S. a COVID-19 ‘related’ death?
  • Why was everyone locked down and not just the high risk people?

It turns out, like everything else today, the answer to all these questions is simple… politics. And the worst kind of politics.

And Fauci deserves far more than just the boot, as it were. He deserves all of our scorn and derision.
For all of you thinking I’m off base here, that somehow Fauci’s experience and credentials count for more than my vitriol I’m going to ask my last question.
Why should we listen to the word of any doctor that recommends people huddle in their homes afraid of a cousin to the common cold versus building up our immune systems and our herd immunity?

Fauci, Gates and George Soros (who’s right on time with a new op-ed in the L.A. Times telling everyone we need UBI from the Magic Money Tree) are trying to create a medically-based transnational superstructure in the same way that they failed to do it through trade deals like TTIP and TPP, which Trump nixed.

And it’s time that we looked at this situation with clear eyes and not the rose-colored glasses of what we want our government officials to be. Because if we don’t we’ll lose what’s left of our dignity. Forget the republic, folks. That’s gone.
This lock down is about whether or not we’re willing to actually walk the walk versus just whine about them ‘taking our freedoms.’ They are in the last stages of doing that right now, there’s no future tense anymore.

Men like Fauci shouldn’t just be fired, they should be tried and convicted for gross incompetence for the harm they are doing and the harm they’ve done.

Knowingly promoting mathematical models of disease transmission that were never intended to be accurate is FRAUD, not an honest error. He’s not the only doctor in the world with an opinion on COVID-19. Many of them are incensed with how this has been handled.

When issuing commands and recommendations that could cost the world its soul it is incumbent on the person making those recommendations to get them right, not run cover for evil oligarchs intent on shepherding humanity to their own private Mordor.

Because if they don’t then they are liable for results. But government operates in a true vacuum, immune to the effects of its bad decisions through sovereign immunity.
This is the fundamental problem with creating government agencies that have these powers. They are staffed by people who can be corrupted, and like Fauci are easy to corrupt to command controls over our lives that they have 1) not earned and 2) should never have.

And it’s why it’s time for us to stand up and no longer accept these men and women as any more wise and insouciant than we are. It’s truly time for the kind of intellectual revolt against the Progressive ideal of the wise engineer.
The palpable disappointment on the part of Gates, Fauci, the media and the Democrats at the effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine is all the indictment of these people you need to finally let the scales fall and see them for what they are.

These are megalomaniacs without conscience. They are Bond villians without the charisma. And we need to strip them of their legitimacy first in our minds and then in practice.

Because if it were up to them there would never be a cure for COVID-19, just an endless series of treatments that make us sicker and more dependent on them.
#FireFauci isn’t just a meme, it’s a metaphor for taking control over our lives and our society. It’s time to go outside, leave our homes and get back to work.

And while for Gates it’s not about making more money, it’s about the control, he motivates those around him with the promise of some of that sweet, sweet money they couldn’t ever earn for themselves honestly.
After destroying these small businesses and printing trillions will allow vultures allied with them to come in and pick the bones of our gutted society clean.

Frankly, it’s beyond sick and it has to end. If we don’t see this lock down and attempted coup to allow doctors to run the country for what it is, then we deserve everything that’s coming to us.

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