Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Fear, Irrational Control (Attempts) And Nature


by Hardscrabble Farmer

I’m shocked really, just how quickly so many people have given in to fear, an irrational anxiety over something that is perfectly natural, like the seasonal cycles, the logic of which has eluded them this trip around the Sun.
When I read anything at all from the American media it focuses on the deaths and the numbers. If ever there were an opportunity to teach the people something about viruses, now would be the time to do it, but that conversation has yet to take place. No one has the courage to tell people that we will never defeat something that has existed as long as we have been a species and that any attempt is not only futile, but compounds the problem by ignoring the root cause.
People aren’t dying from the virus, but from the failed immune systems that are endemic to a population rife with underlying health issues, poor nutrition, and confined to urban areas unfit for healthy habitation. If it weren’t for our insistence on a global system of just in time deliveries and unfettered travel of human beings by the millions over the entire surface of the globe, this wouldn’t have been more than a local problem that would have long ago burned out. People seem unaware that virus strains immediately begin to weaken in strength so as not to kill their host and that this can only occur with a spread through a population.
The reactions are those of a herd, not of reasonable adults thinking for themselves. This virus, regardless of its origins, is a natural process. It is akin to a forest fire, a cleansing of the individual system on one level, a culling on the next.
The vulnerable are always the weakest and the elderly and while it may be painful to lose a loved one, it is the outcome of every life, by one cause or another. This response to something so fundamental is an aberrant behavior, a abnormal reaction to a natural condition. All of the sober judgments and rational precautions that every generation since our founding has taken into consideration, from basic hygiene to living a healthy lifestyle are still the best defense against sickness.
Encouraging people to live closely packed together in urban areas numbering in the millions, to be proud of their obesity, to tranquilize their anxieties with pharmaceuticals- these conditions have so weakened the population that it was ripe for this form of morbidity.
I do not believe a single word uttered by any media outlet or any person in position of authority. This was not my natural inclination, nor is it something I would have wished for, but their compulsive lying, their intentional fear mongering and more importantly their tyrannical actions have rendered them completely impotent as far as trust goes. 
Every action they have taken can only be explained by rank and systemic incompetence, or a deeply entrenched corruption with designs to destroy whatever liberties we still posses to satisfy their pervasive degeneracy and pathological desire for power.
This particular strain of influenza is but a blip on the human radar and it will go the same way as every other virus that has ever existed in short order, notwithstanding the desire of those in positions of authority to both prolong and promote it. The destruction of economy, the loss of freedom and the long term damage to the very fabric of social interaction will endure far longer and may very well end the experiment altogether.
My family is healthy, our herds and flocks are thriving, and the land and soil we live upon increases its tilth and fertility year after year. When I worked in an office, commuted to work five days a week, and lived in suburban community within driving distance of twenty million people we got colds every year and the flu every three or four. I haven’t had so much as a cough in over a decade and not one of children has been sick since they were little.
If you asked the CDC they’d say that this is anecdotal and without further studies no conclusions should be made, but I don’t need an annual budget of 9 billion dollars to tell you that there is a connection between eating well, working hard, sleeping deeply, living in close contact with the natural world, and excellent health.
Once upon a time it was obvious. It doesn’t require advanced degrees to make the connection between the number of dead from coronavirus and the percentage of that population with underlying health issues is nearly 100%, yet rather than quarantine them, the entire population must surrender their rights so that they might not suffer the consequences of age or mortality.
The tree frogs are at it again tonight, just like they were this time last year and the year before that. The forsythia is about to bust out in that canary yellow that envelopes the bush and then softens, fades and is replaced by deep, dark green leaves that emerge afterwards and following that the lilacs will bloom and by the time my sixtieth birthday rolls around their perfume will fill the air as it has every year of my life.
Cycles, observable realities, the ebb and flow of life aren’t subject to policies or programs of bureaucrats huddled in cubicles typing up orders and dictates they imagine they will implement on a docile population cowed by fear. It works until it doesn’t and then reality steps in an corrects their work. Today I’ll package the syrup we made this season and ship it to people shut in all over the country so they can sample the sweet flavor of what Nature has always provided to those willing to observe its flow and dip their finger in for a taste.
Whatever the deranged and power hungry mandarins in capitols around the world come up with today will fail like every other thing that they touch and soon the universal laws will step in make the corrections that always follow their tyrannical aspirations. I don’t worry about it the way some people do because I live in the moment. There exists a design that unfolds every second of the day for as long as this world has existed and that is where I place my trust, in the great leveler that has wound the watch of time and has a plan that never fails.


  1. Dear Scott,

    This has to be the most inspirational and astute writing I have read in this fiasco. Tonight, I am glad you are there.

    We have experienced the same since this stay at home thing. I am not commuting, the kids are not in school, the garden is blooming, we are riding our bikes and walking and eating better. And nobody has been sick with anything. Rare.

    Even my work, from home, is more rewarding and productive.

    Grateful Reader,

    Dan Norton

  2. Dan,
    Many thanks - and I agree this was an excellent perspective. We should have let this thing run its inevitable course and I'm worried that we are going to prolong it and create a second wave by these actions that have been taken. We'll see. Glad you are doing well ! God Bless
