Thursday, March 6, 2025

Rumors Of War, Crisis, Chaos

Three Regions Of The World In Which World War III Could Spark
 Brandon Smith

The term “protectionism” is generally treated as a pejorative in the economic world, akin to “isolationism” and “populism”. In an era where globalism is treated as the end-all-be-all of social and geopolitical evolution, the idea of taking a step back and reconsidering the notion of independence and self reliance is abhorrent. Globalists and progressives argue that there can be no going back and that only they know the way forward.

I don’t know who voted for these financial elites to take on such a role; as far as I can tell no one did. But they certainly have assumed the authority to dictate the path of international trade, currency methodology and even debt creation. Central bankers and their globalist counterparts control every fiscal policy that determines if you or I live a life of plenty or a life of peasantry, and, with the flip of a switch, they can send the whole of the global system crashing down.

The globalists have this power because there are no fail safes – There are no redundancies and there is no Plan B. The more the populace needs the system the more they need the globalists, and the more they need the globalists the more power the globalists enjoy.

Today, there are at least three regions of the world in which World War III could spark off, including Ukraine, Iran/Israel and Taiwan. Sanctions between NATO countries and Russia have greatly affected Europe’s energy security and the EU has been sabotaging itself with climate change regulations that are destroying their ability to build more power plants and produce more food.

The BRICS nations are actively pursuing a new currency exchange system to cut out the US dollar as the world reserve and they are supported by global banking institutions like the BIS and IMF which are getting ready to introduce CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies) as the new framework for banking exchange.

In the meantime, Donald Trump is engaging in wider tariffs, which could bring the US economy back from the brink of debt disaster, but only if he is able to somehow accelerate domestic production at the same time. If he is unsuccessful, the US consumer will be left with mostly foreign-made goods and all those goods will be more expensive.

The globalists have created a scenario in which globalism is an exponential detriment. I believe that their original plan was to create enough chaos to force nations into even deeper centralization (a one world currency system, cashless society, wealth redistribution, rationing and Universal Basic Income). But what if  some countries go in a different direction? What happens when nations stop participating in the dependency game and walk away?

Well, you get a worldwide economic crisis, but also a great rush by nation states to juice their domestic production. You get a rush to localism. If countries hope to survive what is coming, they’re going to have to start manufacturing their own survival goods. Otherwise, they will face civil unrest and internal collapse.

Such a crisis environment comes with a host of problems, primarily in the supply chain. Shifting away from globalism after so many decades of addiction will be a difficult process. In the case of the US, a large number of non-necessities are made overseas rather than produced domestically, but there are quite a few essentials as well.

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