Wednesday, March 12, 2025

6G and AI integration

6G's Prophetic Implications - More Than Just A Tech Upgrade


6G and AI integration

I remind you of this because there was a time when they wanted to keep what they were doing under wrap. That has changed. 

Even with their plans being put out for all to see, they seem confident that most of the general public still has no understanding of what is being planned--6G and AI integration--which are being promoted as a breakthrough for sustainability, efficiency, and convenience.

But the reality is far deeper: this has been a slow, deliberate march toward total surveillance, control, and the erosion of individual autonomy. Let's understand this has been forty years in the making.

This brings us to what is next: 6G. 6G is now poised to take full control.

It is being said that user demand is driving new technology, especially the demand for better streaming media. However, unlike previous generations, 6G isn't just about faster internet, it's about complete integration with AI, automation, and global connectivity.

Samsung, one of the leaders in this technology, has released white papers outlining its vision. Samsung is saying 6G will revolutionize the way people interact with technology. They say 6G will address economic, environmental, and societal needs. It will be used in entertainment, medicine, education, and manufacturing.

Here's what they're planning:

Immersive Extended Reality (XR) - Digital environments are so realistic that they mimic human experiences. This is designed to produce an experience as close to being human without being human.
Digital Twins - Virtual replicas of physical people and places, allowing interaction with AI-driven copies of ourselves.

Global Smart Networks - 6G will manage a massive amount of data, all by automation. This will include smart homes, smart factories, and smart cities. This automated technology is being designed to be available even in sparsely populated areas such as the desert, mountains, and the sea. Developers want to cover the entire globe with this new technology. Realize that this means NO one anywhere will be unreachable or untraceable.

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) - will allow individuals to operate 6G in the comfort of their own home.

AI-Based Energy Saving Management (ESM) - The ability to remotely turn off cell phones and devices under the pretext of "energy efficiency." This means this technology's creators will be able to deactivate cell phones. They will do this under the banner of saving energy.

AI-Controlled Traffic Loads - 6G will have energy-efficient hardware such as "Peak-to-average power ratio" (or PAPR) for consumers and "Doherty PA," which will be used in commercial networks. Technology such as "Symbol-level power tracking" (or SPT) and "Faster than SPT" (or F-SPT) will give AI control and decisions over traffic loads. Meaning AI will decide whose cell phone to turn off and when.

Automated 6G Networks - For our safety and the planet's good, the general public will be told we need "AI-Based Network Automation." We will be told that as networks become tremendously complex, a fully automated 6G network is necessary because it will allow us to learn and manage the network without any human intervention. Remember, this is being designed to be done without any human intervention.

6G will mean the total automation of society--every action, conversation, and movement tracked, monitored, and potentially controlled.

6G and Prophecy

Why does this matter? Because Bible prophecy tells us that a global system of control will rise before Christ's return. Scripture speaks of a time when a one-world government, economy, and religion demand allegiance to the Antichrist's rule (Revelation 13:16-17). Technology like 6G sets the stage for this reality. What we are seeing now must be set into place and be available then.

Total Surveillance - No one will be "off the grid." AI-driven monitoring will track every individual's movements, purchases, and communications.

Digital Identification and Cashless Society - 6G will facilitate the infrastructure for a global digital ID system, controlling who can buy or sell.

AI Decision-Making - With 6G, AI--not humans--will control systems that dictate access to essential services.

For some, this new technology will be welcomed as progress. For others, it will be an alarming step toward complete dependence on AI-driven governance. The reality is that rejecting it may not be an option. It is designed to consume and control every aspect of life, but what it cannot control is the sovereignty of Jesus Christ.

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