Saturday, February 1, 2025

That Helicopter Was Part Of The 12th Aviation Battalion At Davison Army Airfield And Is Directly Involved In Continuity Of Government Operations

That Helicopter Was Part Of The 12th Aviation Battalion At Davison Army Airfield And Is Directly Involved In Continuity Of Government Operations

We ended the last column with the promise that we would continue with this one – so we shall.

We determined that at least many of those unknown drones are in fact making nuke sniffing flights over susceptible areas like DC, Jersey and NY among many other areas.  This also includes the MonkeyWerx site showing that the high number of flights by nuke sniffing aircraft decreased suddenly just as the increase of small car sized drones that the White House said are FAA authorized flights took off, especially during night time hours, and crisscrossing the skies in a deliberate crosshatch pattern or grid as they most obviously were searching for something that was important enough that they were spending a lot of money in doing so as those government owned (according to the manufacturer) drones are not cheap like the little hobby ones are, nor are the operators and support crews an inexpensive matter.  Perhaps less expensive than the aircraft and helicopters were, but far less than the massive increase in coverage would have been without moving to drones.

This all brings up the probability that it is the government itself doing the searching just as it is they who did the aircraft and helicopter searches that the drones replaced; or better said supplemented them as the former are still flying but in reduced numbers of flights.  This answers the Who, What, When and How but still leaves the Why box empty.  That is the next problem to confront.

Where, oh where to begin - - -

Viktor Orbán: “George Soros Has Lost. America Has Been Liberated by Donald Trump!”   I saved this quote from a Canada Free Press article and it stopped me hard.   Let that comment sink in a bit – what is he really saying? 

 It appears to me that he is saying George Soros is actually running this nation, or at least the Prime Minister of Hungary believed that Soros was actually in charge.   It should be noted that Hungary has been destroyed by Soros and his total warfare against them by Soros money manipulations, and therefore Orbán said “I’d say that America has been liberated by Donald Trump, and Soros’s troops have now retreated to Brussels….. 

So we Europeans are now facing a very difficult time: they’re embedding themselves in Brussels”, Orbán warned. The same Democrat exodus had taken place 2016, Orbán said: “The Democrats fled to Brussels. Now the same thing is happening again.”   What is happening again besides the Democrats fleeing the nation?  The White hats are in power again or at least it appears they are.  The actuality is still to be proven.

And the radical left is out to make sure that the loss of any conservative control becomes the case using any means necessary even if that means totally destroying our nation in order to rid themselves of the real Americans.  Therefore we have the warnings of a false flag event of a nuclear nature and the widespread search for those weapons on American soil.  Orbán saw this when he made those comments and as he also does on the following short (less than a minute) clip from ‘X’ –

As Doug Hagmann suggestively asked on the 28th in his Report Episode 4827, (about 27 minute mark) who has the power to make multiple assassination attempts on Donnie Trumps life?  Teams that are on the Federal level as also named by Matt Taibbi while on a recent show with Tucker Carlson and directly involved in the Deep State and its perfidious and nefandous evil machinations.  As a side note so you do not need to bother looking up a couple of words I just used, they mean treacherously deceitful, and so wicked as to defy description.  I like those words to reference the left that we are witnessing in action.  Investigative reporter Matt Taibbi and Tucker Carlson recently spoke at length about long-standing efforts by deep-staters to control information flows, apparent last-ditch attempts by elements of the previous administration to embroil the U.S. in a direct conflict with Russia, and the likelihood that President Donald Trump has been targeted for assassination on more occasions than have been publicly admitted.”


1 comment:

  1. The big mystery - post notification of next of kin a two day gap identifying the third helicopter crew member. Excuse bereavement and the avoidance of DEI implications according to the pilot's family. You can bet your bottom dollar a coverup put into place for two reasons - (1) Qualifications lacking based on existing standards in the mode of Navy flier Kara Hultgreen. (2) Leftist political associations in the mode of a White House social aide during the Biden administration. In summary a person with limited qualifications piloting a military helicopter at an improper altitude with an understaffed crew veered into a commercial aircraft killing herself and 66 human beings.
