Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Panic from the Deep State over DOGE and Trump targeting USAID

Panic from the Deep State over DOGE and Trump targeting USAID


At long last, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a political organization masquerading as a development program, may find itself deleted.

Call it the “Elon Effect” - support for axing the agency has amassed at a record pace. Just last Congress when Rep. Eli Crane introduced an amendment to simply reduce funding for USAID, every single Democrat and 114 Republicans voted against it. 

There are countless tales of corruption that could be told when it comes to USAID - and George Soros (who has since handed over his empire to his son Alex) has his fingerprints over it. 

Inevitably any defender of Soros will portray linking him to anything as a “conspiracy theory” (or even an “antisemitic” one), he’s already done that himself. A quarterly performance report from The Soros Foundations (report period: December 1993) shows a relationship with USAID going back decades. 

The Soros Foundations Management Training Program ("SFMTP) received and signed Cooperative Agreement HEUR 0045 A 00 4007 00 from the United States Agency for International Development ("USAID") on November 19, 1993. In the first quarter, SFMTP staff in each of the five countries began open advertisement to professionals for the training available. In the US, SFMTP staff were introduced to USAID procedures and began recruitment of host companies.

The program was to train  30 “professionals” from Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, and Slovakia in public administration, business, telecommunications, environmental management, and more. To point out the obvious; this is how Soros describes what the aid was for - he’s not going to admit to something too sinister in a document he knows will eventually be made public.  

Other early activities of Soros’ involvement with USAID include his International Renaissance Foundation partnering with them to support Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution,” the European country he’s “invested” more in than any other. Robert F. Kennedy revealed in an interview with Tucker Carlson last November that USAID also led the more violent Maidan Revolution in 2014 that ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. 

While USAID hadn’t been in the public eye for most until the past week, the Heritage Foundation in 2017 exposed Soros as the “main implementor” of their so-called aid since at least the start of the Obama administration. As they documented:

A movement called “Stop Operation Soros” in Macedonia called on USAID to be audited and accused them of contributing to the political crisis in their country. Among Soros’ activities there included his foundation publishing a translated version of Saul Alinsky’s infamous book “Rules for Radicals” and having it distributed. 

USAID was later sued by Judicial Watch in connection to $5 million in funds that they say went into the hands of Soros’ foundation in Macedonia.  

The situation with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is exploding into public view today.  The reality, and the fact-based revelations, are both horrifying and stunning.

The chart above shows the money funneled by USAID to just ONE entity: Bill Kristol's "Defending Democracy" organization.  

If ever you wondered why Bill Kristol, allegedly a "Republican" and former Editor of "The Weekly Standard" was so adamantly opposed to Donald Trump, you can look at the chart above and realize, he was being PAID big bucks through USAID, to . . . keep the status quo?   Keep an "outsider" out?  All speculation, but it does make a lot of people wonder.

This is what the network for "Defending Democracy Together Institute" looks like. The graph represents grants from various USAID-affiliated Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) flowing to Kristol's non-profit:

The circle at bottom, with Employer Identification Number (EIN) 831567380, is Bill Kristol's "Defending Democracy."

Tracing the actual funds is a staggeringly enormous task, but it is being accomplaished.

According to once source, who is personally involved in the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) which is auditing everything "48 vCPUs are maxed-out, curating the USAID grant network for every single EIN.  It will take a while (~12 hours). Which is fine, it gives time to prettify it in the morning."

As the computers crunch all the data - and it is an utterly enormous amount of data, they are finding all the paperwork for all the money distribution.  In just ONE transaction to Bill Kristol's "Defending Democracy" andother Foundation "Hopewell" distributed two million dollars to Kristol's group!  Here's a screenshot of that:

That's just ONE transaction.  Look at the chart above and now try to imagine how much MORE got funneled in from all those other entities!   And *****ALL***** of it, coming from American Taxpayers, through funding to ****ALL**** those groups, by USAID.

Now you know how the political class stays awash in cash money.  It comes from sources like USAID, which bulldozes cash out the door under the guise of "International Development."

Many people who have looked at the chart above, tell me it appears TO THEM to be a "Money Laundering Operation."

Others are saying "The only reason why you need to have a system complex like this is you are trying to hide something."

The graph above is also called "structuring" by people that prosecute money laundering. The bottom left EIN (..1860) is Hopewell, a non profit slush fund run by "Arabella Advisors." The big three Arabella fund donors are Bill Gates, George Soros, and Mark Zuckerberg.

Why is so-called "Conservative" Bill Kristol, getting money from folks like THEM?????

Can anyone who sees this believe that Bill Kristol is actually any kind of "conservative?"  He's being fund by the leftist of left-wing sources!

Does the phrase "controlled opposition" come to mind?

One source told me "Money laundering shown as a flow chart. The picture is indeed worth a thousand words! "

Remember folks, this is just one of MANY Organizations . . . . and they’ve been doing this for DECADES all while blocking any attempt at forcing transparency. 

Moreover, they couldn’t have done this without help from politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle!

Looking at this mish-mash of money flow, it seems to me, in my personal opinion, the complexity is intended. If this wasn't the government, we would be insisting on RICO indictments.    In fact, maybe we should.

In my view, this is starting to look worse than any MAFIA in the world.

It's designed to be a labyrinth so confusing that even GPS would need therapy after trying to find its way out.

The more complex they make the interconnections, the more difficult it is to locate the corruption.

This is how shell companies work to avoid paying taxes. Creating a complex web such as this only solidifies that the actors know they were doing something nefarious and would like to avoid detection. But when this is done by the very government responsible for prosecuting crime, will there be any prosecution that follows?

Whatever ultimately comes out of this, one thing is now crystal clear:

As more and more details emerge from the DOGE computers now crunching all these transactions and exposing the money flows, the level of squealing we begin to hear will rise.  

Politicians are already out in public screeching that shutting off the US Agency for International Development (USAID) is "cutting off food to starving people."  No.  It's not.  

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