Thursday, January 16, 2025

United Nations renews push for globalized digital marking system to deal with 'emergencies'

United Nations renews push for globalized digital marking system to deal with 'emergencies'

The United Nations is calling on governments around the world to fight climate change and other “emergencies” by mandating biometric digital ID systems, giving governments worldwide the ability to tag and track the masses in their every move.

Digital ID systems that have already been implemented in other countries are typically tied to the financial system, allowing the government to track one’s spending habits as well as their movement.

A biometric digital ID requires the recipient to upload a face scan, eye scan, palm scan or other unique identifier, which is then integrated into a central system and tracked by an app on the person’s phone. Eventually, the plan is to place this surveillance device “under the skin,” as the Israeli historian and World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Harari has repeatedly stated.

As reported the digital ID demands were made anew by unelected foreign bureaucrats who serve on the United Nations Development Program, or UNDP.

UNDP officials made the case for why digital identity is allegedly a key weapon in their anti-human climate agenda in an article titled: “Why legal identity is crucial to tackling the climate crisis.”

If governments assign digital identities to citizens, they explained in the article, authorities can track populations more easily in an “environmental disaster.”

The UNDP further argued that countries that roll out digital identity programs will have more data about their taxpayers that can then be used in an emergency.

We all know how governments use so-called emergencies to enact tyrannical and authoritarian policies they would otherwise never get away with. They do this by using the news media to whip up fear in the population, dividing the people against each other. During Covid, more than a few states implemented 24-hour snitch-lines where residents could call and turn in their neighbors for not following the lockdown rules.

Governments should know the income and health status of every taxpayer, as well as their education level, the UN agency states in the document.

This would help authorities have a more “targeted response” to citizens during, for example, a weather disaster, according to the world body.

It can also be used to track how much energy taxpayers are consuming.

Once a government has this data, it can force citizens to change their energy-consumption habits.

The UNDP euphemistically refers to this state coercion in Orwellian fashion, calling it “inspiring behavior change.”

“Leveraging digital legal ID data to track energy consumption, inspire behavior change, and enhance sustainability measures can mitigate climate-related disasters,” the UNDP officials wrote.

That’s a nice way of saying, we will force you out of your gasoline-powered vehicle, out of your house on an acre or more of land, and into a tiny apartment in the city eating bugs and riding public transit.

The United Nations has long pushed for a global ID system that would digitally tag every human being on the planet. This is embedded within the global body’s 17 sustainable developement goals associated with its Agenda 2030 document, adopted by some 190 nations, including the U.S., in September 2015.

On its website, the U.N. writes:

Sustainable Development Goal Target 16.9 ("legal identity for all, including birth registration, by 2030") is key to advance the 2030 Agenda commitment to leave no one behind, and equally relevant is SDG 17.19 — support to statistical capacity-building in developing countries, monitored by the indicator "proportion of countries that have achieved 100 per cent birth registration and 80 per cent death registration".

This is just another way of describing what is, in essence, a social-credit scoring system, similar to what’s already in place in communist China.

This agenda will no doubt be brought up at the 2025 World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland, later this month. President Trump has reportedly agreed to address the WEF remotely.

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