Sunday, January 19, 2025

Polycrisis And Grey Swans

The Financial Jigsaw, Part 2

The Part 2 episode this week examines, what might be described as a “Polycrisis”, exemplified by the sudden collapse of the regime in Syria.  From the perspective of a Polycrisis, the collapse of Syria’s regime might be a harbinger of future collapses, not just a one-off event. The reason is that many of the keystone and linchpin elements of a Polycrisis are global in nature, affecting every region and nation-state, regardless of size or location.  The sudden collapse of a regime tends to unleash forces that destabilise other regimes, or act as triggers for regimes to take actions that are initially viewed as protective but which end up imploding the regime from within.

THIS IS THE “POLYCRISIS” OF ‘TECHNOCRACY’ being Multiple Wars against Humanity Currently Raging across the Planet; these Wars include:

  • Bioweapon Wars, such as the Covid-19 Scamdemic and the weaponised Covid Vaxx® which are part of the military PsyOp SOP 2020;
  • Chemical Wars, including Chemtrails, glyphosate, fluoride and ‘forever’ chemicals);
  • Frequency Wars such as 4G, 5G & 6G, smartphones, smart meters, smart vehicles, and smart cities;
  • Military Wars in Ukraine, Israel, Sudan, Myanmar, Haiti, and Ethiopia;
  • Culture Wars being Wokism with Patriots vs. Cultural Marxists;
  • Political Kabuki Theatre Wars encapsulated by (USA) Republicans vs. Democrats, (UK) Conservatives vs. Liberals, Socialists vs. Capitalists, Far Left vs. Far Right et al;
  • Sexual Wars engaging gender reassignment, all forms of sexual deviation, child trafficking, and the subsequent destruction of the family unit. Welcome to 2025, looking likely to become an interesting year. “May you live in interesting times!” Zager & Evans – In the Year 2525…
Two recent events invite interpretation: the sudden collapse of Syria’s regime and the assassination of an American CEO in America’s financial capital. These may be viewed as unique one-off events of little future import or they could be viewed as watershed events; harbingers of a future far different from the ‘New Normal’ 2025 chaotic times.

A systemic case points to the ‘grey swans circling above us’ being harbingers of transformative change. What is a grey swan? “A grey swan is an event that is known and possible to happen, but which is assumed to be improbable. The term derives from Nassim Taleb’s ‘Black Swan Theory’,” which is a high-impact event, that is difficult to predict under normal circumstances, but in retrospect appears to have been inevitable. A Black Swan event is unexpected, and therefore difficult to prepare for, but is often rationalised with the benefit of hindsight as having been unavoidable.

The Propaganda spewed by MSM is speculating a wealth of reasons why Syria’s dynasty collapsed, practically overnight, after enduring for decades in a tumultuous region riven by war and conflict. What’s strikingly difficult to explain, neatly and coherently, is how everything is forever until it is no more. Are there causal factors that are common to all such sudden collapses of regimes that appeared to be, if not forever, then demonstrably durable?

The UK today is a good example enduring death rattles of a forever empire, where the sun never set; it’s taking a long time for the frog to boil, but it is here and now in 2025. It is demonstrative to observe that the politicians and UK Establishment have closed their hearts and minds to the obvious facts. They continue to speak about ‘growth’ as the grand elixir and yet ignore the warnings from the military and SIS actors.

Kit Klarenberg reported: “In September 2024, Britain’s House of Lords International Relations and Defence Committee published a little-noticed report, Ukraine: a wake-up call. Based on extensive consultations with military veterans and think tank apparatchiks, it amply exposed London’s “decline as a full-spectrum military power,” and how the country’s fantastical “commitment to retaining global influence” is based on “military aspirations” that are “unaffordable”. The appraisal also amply underlines how the country is woefully ill-equipped and unprepared for major conflicts overseas, let alone defending itself at home.”

This raises interesting questions. By identifying the causal factors of a sudden collapse, are they discernible in other stable nations? Could some of these factors disperse like a virus and spread to neighbouring countries that share similar profiles? Could such a collapse act like a domino providing an impetus for other fragile states to collapse?

Equally interesting is the mass of MSM propaganda being spewed out to obscure the systemic vulnerabilities that might have played a role in the Syrian regime’s collapse. The tsunami of propaganda is intended to bolster the everything is forevernarrative, but the enormity and virulence of this propaganda effort suggests the opposite: an extreme of vulnerability and fear of other regimes that could be next.

What triggered the Western Roman Empire’s collapse sheds some light on the ease of embracing an interpretation that misses the mark. Gibbon concluded that Christianity undermined Rome’s power. Others view Christianity as an alternative structure that enabled Europe to maintain a critical coherence in the centuries after Western Rome fell. The Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine, was different in many aspects and endured for almost a thousand years following western Rome’s fall.

Moral and social decay are often listed as causal factors, but dismissed by those who see the increasingly capable barbarian armies as the cause of Rome’s collapse. Others have suggested narratives from war and internal decay, to climate change and the ravages of pandemics, such as the bubonic plagues of the middle ages.

The relevance of all these factors leads to a diagnosis of ‘Polycrisis’; a collapse which cannot be attributed to any one factor but to the confluence of many factors, each of which undermine the status quo’s moral, financial, and material wellbeing and fatally destabilises the coherence of a regime’s military and political resilience.

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