Monday, September 16, 2024

Towards an “Oppressive Digital New World Order”

Towards an “Oppressive Digital New World Order”
Peter Koenig

In less than two weeks, the United Nations will present during a special session – 22 and 23 September — of their 2024 UN annual meeting in New York, the World of The Future. It is a fully digitized world. For the UN AG meeting, a “package” of global digitization was prepared by the governments of Germany and Namibia. Of course, with the “help” of Big Tech and Big Finance.

This digital enslavement package will be adopted under almost complete exclusion of the public, of people like you and me.

Most parliaments and governments worldwide have apparently already agreed to it, so that the presentation and the so-called discussion during the UN Annual Conference is a sheer fig leaf, a mere farce.

This is the new “rules-based” way of forcing an entire population into a compact of a digital straightjacket, escaping from which is almost impossible.

People nowhere have been consulted or even informed. Governments worldwide were forced by the unnamed powers-that-be to accept a complete digitization of our future – what the WEF calls the 4th Industrial Revolution.

People, it is here!

No waiting for the end of the UN Agenda 2030. The goals have conveniently been advanced. You – and me – will be confronted with cash elimination, already started in many European countries and to some extent in the US; and even in some “developing countries” like India, without people’s consent.

All will be controlled, our money-spending, health data, food and eating habits, travels, TV viewer preferences, radio favorites, friends with whom we regularly meet and communicate, as well as others from the opposition camp; shopping / spending habits – and so on – all will be controlled digitally by the IT-digital corporate control system.

The means to do so is the benign looking QR code which has been gradually and gently introduced over the last two decades or so – and today has become a common appearance in our daily life. In many cases you may not be able to read a restaurant menu without downloading it on your personal QR code.

Who do you guess will control all personal QR codes? 

Exactly, you guessed right.

Western control freaks quickly discovered its potential and captured it for their evil “program for the future of mankind”, left to the corporate IT world (with a combined worth of about 3 to 4 trillion dollars) for administering and imposing it on humanity. An individual QR code has basically unlimited storage capacity. So, it may know you better than you know yourself.

The debate or “negotiations” for this digital compact, officially take/s place on 20 and 21 September behind closed doors, during the UNGA, but the context had been discussed and agreed upon in several clandestine iterations, also called Revisions 2 and 3, which are published on the UN website for “The Summit of the Future”. See this.

Unfortunately, hardly anyone knows this page and even fewer read it. If people were better and more informed or would care to inform themselves, we might not stand before the digital abyss, as we do today.

The digital compact has no space for human choices. There is no way a “voluntary option” is available. In other words, an individual cannot say, “Thanks, but no thanks, I prefer to opt out of this digital world”. People are forced into this system, come hell or high water. That is the plan.

The compact clearly explains the enormous advantages offered for the human wellbeing by digital technologies. Therefore, it is imperative that no gaps remain between people and countries, that ALL navigate on the same wavelength – namely full-digitally.

The goal of overall human wellbeing, as explained in the compact – no wars, no conflicts, no pollution, no noise, diseases under control, and more — justifies the rapid move towards full or ALL digitization.

Without directly saying so, this is the first step to a One World Order, and a One World Government. The latter executed by the UN, with a policy framework established by the WEF, and a GESTAPO-like tyranny imposed by WHO.

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