Saturday, September 14, 2024

REPORT: US Official – Israel Has made Decision To Start A Wide War Against Hezbollah

REPORT: US Official – Israel Has made Decision To Start A Wide War Against Hezbollah

The political tight-rope that Israel has been walking in Washington, D.C. just got tighter.A report from journalist Amir Tsarfati in the Middle East declared American officials have announced Israel has made the choice to start a regional war with the Iranian-backed proxy army Hezbollah. 

This is a logical choice for Israel.

However, this will cause problems for the Harris ticket among the Muslim population in the United States, and there will be immense pressure from AIPAC for America to fund this war, possibly even fight it with American forces. 

Hezbollah is not Hamas; Hezbollah is hundreds of thousands of fighters, and just as many missiles, all pointed at The Jewish State.

Perhaps Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu understands the high probability that Trump could reoccupy The White House is January. Although Trump is a reliable friend of Israel, he also is loath to commit American forces abroad; hence, the timing of this announcement. There are less than five months before a new administration takes office.

There are two truths here that must be realized:

  1. Israel cannot exist surrounded by a ring-of-fire of Iranian-backed terror armies.
  2. Israel cannot fight this war without massive American help. 

Where does that leave the American GI?

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