Sunday, September 29, 2024

Netanyahu Delivers Defiant Speech at UN “Swamp”

Netanyahu Delivers Defiant Speech at UN “Swamp” 
Joseph A. Klein

“Just imagine, for those who say, well, Hamas has to stay, it has to be part of a post-war Gaza,” Mr. Netanyahu said. “Imagine in a post-war situation in World War II. Imagine allowing the defeated Nazis in 1945 to rebuild Germany. It's inconceivable. It's ridiculous. It didn't happen then, it's not going to happen now.”

Regarding the continuing rocket and drone attacks that Hezbollah has launched deep into Israel aimed at civilian population centers, Prime Minister Netanyahu said, “I've come here today to say enough is enough! We won’t rest until our citizens can return safely to their homes. We will not accept a terror army perched on our northern border able to perpetrate another October 7-style massacre.”

Shortly after Prime Minister Netanyahu concluded his remarks, the Israel Defense Forces showed that he was not bluffing. The IDF struck Hezbollah's headquarters in Beirut's southern suburbs that was reportedly hidden beneath residential buildings. Hezbollah itself confirmed the deadly results - its long-time leader, Hassan Nasrallah, was killed. The airstrikes also took the lives of other senior Hezbollah commanders.

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei responded to Israel’s successful attack on Hezbollah’s headquarters by calling on Muslims around the world to unite and “stand by the people of Lebanon and the proud Hezbollah.” 

Khamenei sounded like the infamous “Baghdad Bob,” who denied that there were any American tanks in Baghdad, when in fact they were close to where he was delivering his ludicrous remarks to the press. 

Iran’s Supreme Leader claimed that “The Zionist criminals need to know that they are far too weak to be able to inflict any significant damage on the solid structure of Lebanon’s Hezbollah.”

News flash – the IDF had just done precisely that.

If Ayatollah Khamenei and his Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps have any notions about attacking Israel directly, they should heed the warning that Prime Minister Netanyahu issued to Iran during his General Assembly speech. To the “tyrants in Iran,” he said, “If you strike us, we will strike you. There is no place — there is no place — in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach. And that's true of the entire Middle East.”

Prime Minister Netanyahu spared no words in condemning the United Nations itself for its double standard. He called the UN a “swamp of anti-Semitic bile.” 

The General Assembly, he said, offers foreign leaders who “stand with evil against good” a global forum to spew their hatred of the Jewish state, which Iran and its terrorist proxies aim to destroy.

The Biden administration has remained passive during the escalation in fighting between Israel and Hezbollah except to say that diplomacy was preferable to the use of force. Israel has tried the diplomatic route, only to be met with a massacre of its citizens by Hamas in southern Israel and airborne attacks by Hezbollah that have driven more than sixty thousand Israelis from their homes in northern Israel.

As Prime Minister Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly, “enough is enough!”

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