Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Jan Markell: The Secular World Is Cheering For The Arrival Of The ‘Man Of Lawlessness’

The Secular World Is Cheering For The Arrival Of The ‘Man Of Lawlessness’

A godless globalist extravaganza! Of course, I refer to the 2024 Olympics in Paris, France. Much has been written about them. They opened with a rider on a white horse seeming to announce the arrival of the Antichrist. The organizers, and not the athletes, seemed to cheer him on. Clearly, the brains behind the outfit are a bunch of one-worlders who see the world as a global entity. They see us hurtling towards a sinister agenda.

And worst of all, Olympic organizers and their creative geniuses, were Satan’s useful idiots to advertise for him and to promote his kingdom.

Back in 2021, I wrote an article titled Anticipating the Antichrist and how America, particularly, is preparing for his any-day-arrival. Here we are in 2024 and the world is doing that even more enthusiastically. Not believers. We’re anticipating the return of Jesus. But the secular and pagan world is cheering for the arrival of the “man of lawlessness” (2 Thess. 2).

The Olympics featured book ends of mockery. Their opening and closing ceremonies took inclusion and DEI to new levels. There was a prayer to Zeus. A golden calf was featured. Fallen angels were celebrated. Drag queens mocked the Last Supper. Demons seemed to be center stage. Jesus was mocked and portrayed by a lesbian. Scene after scene reflected blasphemy and debauchery—with a small child observing it all.

We are in an all-out war. A spiritual war. Christians are fair game. Islam, Mohammed, and the Koran are not. But even nonChristians could not help but comment on the fact that rituals and ceremonies were suspiciously dark and even Satanic. It wasn’t subtle. It was blatant— in your face.

Are You Seeing the Pattern?

No, it was nothing new. We saw it at just some of the following:

  • In New York City in 2015 when the goddess Kali was displayed on the Empire State Building.
  • At the Gotthard Base Tunnel ceremony in Switzerland in 2016.
  • In the Commonwealth Games of 2022 which featured a woman riding a beast—a bull—with many bowing down before them.
  • In endless Grammy Award ceremonies.
  • In many Super Bowl half-time performances.


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