Sunday, September 15, 2024

Houthis claim: 'We fired hypersonic missile at Israel'

Houthis claim: 'We fired hypersonic missile at Israel'

Yahya Saria, spokesman for the military wing of the Houthi rebels group, announced that the Houthis were responsible for the ballistic missile attack on central Israel from Yemen on Sunday morning.

According to Saira, the missile was launched at Jaffa and has the capability of traveling 2048 kilometers in just 11 and a half minutes. He stated that the missle “forced more than two million Zionists to run to shelters for the first time in the enemy’s history"

He also claimed that "this is an action carried out as part of the fifth stage of the escalation of the Houthis against Israel" and vowed that more attacks would be carried out ahead of the anniversary of the Hamas massacre of October 7.

Sirens were heard on Sunday morning, around 6:35 a.m., in the Gush Dan region as a result of the missile attack from Yemen. This is the first time in four months alarms were activated in central Israel. Residents also reported hearing explosions.

Debris from the missile caused a fire in an open area in Mosha Kfar Daniel.

Magen David Adom reported that medics and paramedics provided medical treatment to five people who were lightly injured while on their way to a protected area and evacuated them to a hospital. The Education Ministry announced that there is no change in the directives of the Home Front Command and that studies in the entire central region will be held as usual.

According to Kan News, the special forces entered Syria in small groups, through Jordan; the report noted that there are daily flights between Sana'a, Yemen's capital, and Jordan.

The report added that only a few thousand of the Houthi special forces are in Syria, and that they operate under the command of an officer on the rank of general.

An unnamed Syrian official told Israel's i24NEWS, "In recent days, Houthi fighters from Iraq have arrived in southern Syria to open a new front using drones against Israel, where they will be stationed in the Golan Heights near the Israeli border."

1 comment:

  1. Bad news for the PM - the Iron Dome has rusted and anti-missle US naval warships went AWOL.
