Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Hal Lindsey: Deception

‘Lest Anyone Deceive You’
Hal Lindsey

When His disciples asked Jesus to tell them about signs of His return, He started with the words of Mark 13:5. “Take heed lest any man deceive you.” In Matthew 24, we see Jesus giving worlds of information in relatively few words. That doesn’t leave room for a lot of repetition. But in that one chapter, the Lord warned about last days deception four times. That means it’s important.

Mainstream news outlets no longer tell both sides of a story. Fairness was once standard practice for journalists, but that was before they became activists and propagandists. Now they choose sides, then withhold things from the public that might be seen as favorable to the other side. They spin the rest in favor of their chosen causes and candidates.

So, millions now turn to alternative media to find out what’s really going on. But alternative media is also a land of gossip and propaganda. Without truth’s certainty, people have no solid ground on which to build their lives. They are left to choose what they want to believe. It becomes “my truth” and “your truth.” But in the world God made, things are either true or false, whether the facts favor your cause or not. The truth is the truth for everyone.


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