Thursday, September 12, 2024

Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation?

Globalist takeover of Ukraine: BlackRock set to plunder war-torn nation?

The question of who owns Ukraine, and who will benefit from the commandeering of its resources, is one whose answer excludes the interests of ordinary people – and serves that of a Deep State-driven globalism.

Morris traces the links between the recent Kursk offensive and the moves towards peace which it shattered, reminding viewers of the role of former U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson in sabotaging a peace deal agreed only six weeks after the outbreak of the war. Morris strongly suggests that Ukraine has been completely corrupted by profiteers, responding to Volodymyr Zelensky’s recent dismissal of many government members:

“Did George Soros’ son just get a whole bunch of people fired in Ukraine?”

Morris charges that Zelensky himself is “finished,” and no longer in control, as billionaires and corporations advance to commandeer the resources of Ukraine – whilst exploiting financial and military aid to maximize profits.

Drawing on a report by Human Events published in February 2024, Morris poses a remarkable question:

“Ukraine is trying to start selling its own weapons to other countries at the exact same time America and NATO countries are sending billions in weapons to Ukraine. So how does that work?”

Morris argues this is because the purpose of the war is not military victory, but making money. He says the entire war was a foreseeable “death sentence” for Ukrainians used as “cannon fodder” by its now unelected president who, according to Morris, “may soon be out of a job.”

Why? Morris says the recent appearance of Alex Soros, talking up the postwar opportunities presented by the capture of Ukraine’s redevelopment by BlackRock, is a prelude to a planned postwar plunder of the country’s enormous mineral and agricultural wealth.

Foreign Affairs, usually pro-war, is saying [Ukraine’s leadership] don’t know what they are doing.”

With this shift in policy signaled by the influential publication, Morris argues that it is figures like globalist Alex Soros who are “fully in control” now of Ukraine’s future.

A 2023 report on Ukraine repeated concerns that companies such as BlackRock and Goldman Sachs are “trying to control Ukraine” and its estimated “$7.5 trillion” in unexploited resources.

Business entrepreneur and Valuetainment commentator Patrick Bet-David spoke to guests about BlackRock’s interests in the location of the proxy war against Russia, which Bet-David reminds readers controls so much wealth the investment firm could rank as “the third richest country in the world.”

“What do you think is going to happen when the war’s over? They are going to take all Ukraine’s assets.”

Bet-David is quick to connect the operation to President Biden’s son Hunter, and the Biden family’s role in Ukrainian corruption.

“It’s not Zelensky frightening Biden into sending money. It’s BlackRock, Vanguard,” as Bet-David speculates.

Claims that globalist BlackRock is buying up Ukraine have been made since a 2020 law forbidding foreign ownership of Ukrainian land was expanded to permit land purchases by legal entities – meaning banks – in January 2024.

Both measures were introduced by the formerly elected President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

1 comment:

  1. Synagogue of Satan takes care of their own.
