Sunday, September 15, 2024

Climate Change Religion Now Has 'Eco-Chaplains'

The Madness Of Climate Change, Children And Chaplains
Milt Harris 

Every time climate change is in the news, the hair on my neck goes up, and so does my blood pressure. What galls me so much about this particular leftist scam is its far-reaching tentacles and the number of ways, if it’s left unchecked, that it will affect the lives of Americans

This nonsense has been going on for decades. In the ’70s, Time Magazine was proclaiming the next ice age was coming. Then, when that was wrong, it became global warming. Ask yourself, how do you believe the same people who were predicting just a couple of decades ago that the new ice age is coming?

The “Chicken Little” sky is falling; scare tactics concerning climate have been around for a long time. They keep changing the name while hoping for a more gullible public. So, after Global Cooling and Global Warming, the left seems to have settled on the absurd Climate Change moniker as their newest mask of the truth. 

The truth is the climate does change; it’s called seasons. Also, no year is exactly the same. Some are cooler, some are hotter, some are wet, and some are dry. That said, “Climate Change” doesn’t exist in the context that the left portrays it. 

The Hadley Centre has some measurements beginning in 1850, but there are too few data points before 1880 for scientists to estimate average temperatures for the entire planet. Therefore, the left wants us to believe that they can predict climate changes with only 144 years of data on a planet that is 4.54 Billion years old.

The left is attempting to pull off an environmental scam that is designed for only one thing, and that is a significant transference of wealth. They intend to accomplish this through strict regulation enforcement and new leftist-owned corporations benefitting from them. The left’s version of “Climate Change” has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with their bank accounts.

Unfortunately, for rational thinking people, the left now has a contingent of the misinformed, unthinking, and naïve who need a cause to cling to, and the cause these zombies have chosen is the weather.

Remember, these people are unstable and will allow this to seep into many other areas. When a politician is a climate zombie surrounded by others similar to themselves, things can get out of hand quickly. 

The phenomenon of "climate anxiety" has been the focus of numerous studies and news articles. It describes the existential dread that radical zombie teenagers are experiencing due to apocalyptic climate predictions. This has even led to the emergence of a niche field within psychology, where "climate-aware" therapists help people cope with the adverse mental health effects of climate fears.

Actually, it’s even worse than that. If you needed any further proof that Climate Change is a religion for the left, this is pretty much a confirmation. National Public Radio (NPR) has a new story this week about ‘Eco-Chaplains’ who are apparently tasked with helping people work through their ‘climate grief,’ whatever that is.

Believe it or not, these exploiters who are calling themselves “eco-chaplains,” are being trained to meet a growing need to address “grief, anxiety and burnout” over environmental problems.

"Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief, and spirituality in the United State"

NPR reported:

    “Today, there are chaplains working at the intersection of climate, grief, and spirituality in the United States, Great Britain, Australia, and Canada. Most develop their own ways of addressing the issue, from one-on-one therapy sessions to online climate grief circles and in-person support groups.”
The report mentioned that eco-chaplaincy is a relatively new concept in the 21st century, with fewer than 100 people practicing it in the Western world. Various organizations have started training individuals in eco-therapy from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and secular perspectives.

I see this as a positive development. I have long said that transgenderism being taught in schools represents a lifestyle, which is essentially what any religion teaches and therefore needs to be banned for the same reasons.

Now that climate change has chaplains, it can no longer deny the fact that believing in it is a religion that should be banned from schools and any other places where religions are persecuted.

It’s time to fight this type of nonsense, and the left has given us a foothold that can’t be wasted. In fact, we need to attack it hard politically and morally. The “New Green Deal” is no longer an ideal; it’s a religion that cannot be supported by the government. It’s time to put it on the shelf.

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