Thursday, September 5, 2024

Amir Tsarfati Middle East Update

Amir Tsarfati Update: As Long As He Is Prime Minister, Israel Will Not Back Down

This week, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave what I believe to be the most powerful speech of his political career. Two days earlier, six hostages had been executed by gunshots to the back of their heads because Hamas felt the IDF was getting too close to discovering them. It shocked the world and outraged the nation. In response, and under fire from Israeli leftists, families of hostages, international governments, and the United States’ White House, Netanyahu risked his political life by taking the unpopular stand against appeasement for the sake of hostage returns. As the saying goes, “With friends like these….”

There was one truth that Netanyahu communicated that could not be misunderstood. As long as he is prime minister, Israel will not back down. Despite the liberal politicians, Bibi’s stand will stay strong. And despite IDF generals who prefer plotting with one another rather than listening to the government, the PM is going to ensure that the military serves the government’s wishes rather than the government serving the military’s. After listening to the speech numerous times, I believe there are four main takeaways:

1.    Unity is vital to winning the war. This was a message to the Israeli public, and it came in the wake of protests and a failed labor strike that the courts declared illegal and political. The majority of our citizens agree with Netanyahu that we must remain strong together as we push to finish this war. Unfortunately, those who stand contrary to him – leftist media, big-mouth politicians, and buttinsky foreign governments – have the microphones and the television screens and the news sources.

2.    We received a detailed explanation of the history and importance of keeping the Philadelphi Axis in the hands of the IDF. It is through that area along the Egypt-Gaza border that most of Hamas’s armaments pass into the country. It provides the military oxygen that keeps the terrorists breathing, so it must remain cut off. Passing it back over to Hamas is like committing martial suicide for the IDF.

3.    Israel Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant, U.S. President Joe Biden, and all the others exerting political pressure on Netanyahu need to back off and let him work. As always, the left-wing media took up the cause of the anti-Bibis and grilled the PM mercilessly. But Netanyahu responded masterfully. No matter how hard they tried to trip him up, he was able to communicate his point clearly and concisely.

4.    Yahya Sinwar now knows in no uncertain terms that he is a walking dead man. No pressure from the U.S. or our own far-left elements will change Bibi’s stance on the Philadelphi Axis or on the removal of Sinwar from this planet. By saying it so publicly, Netanyahu has locked himself in and he can never go back.

Again, I think it is the best I have ever seen the prime minister. If you want a more detailed breakdown of his speech, check out my special Breaking News Update from Tuesday.

Once again, I am angered and heart-broken at the barbaric loss of life. But I am not surprised. In fact, I remain optimistic, because biblically I know that we must win this smaller war for the big one of Ezekiel 38 to begin. A time of peace and security is coming for Israel. Once that is finally achieved, Russia, Turkey, Iran, and others will pour out of the north with the intention of destroying and pillaging Israel. All that has happened, God knew before. And He has planned out the perfect path that will ultimately lead to His people crying out to Him, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Luke 13:35).

Gaza and the Massacring of Hostages

Last week we celebrated together the rescuing of Arab Bedouin hostage Qaid Farhan Alkadi from a Hamas tunnel. Just a few days later, Israel was once again outraged and mourning as six of its innocents were executed via gunshot to the back of their heads by their Hamas captors. Eden Yerushalmi, 24, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23, Alexander Lobanov, 32, Almog Sarusi, 27, and Ori Danino, 25, were stolen away nearly 11 months ago from the Nova Music Festival and forced to live underground up until their lives were unceremoniously taken from them in just a moment. Carmel Gat, 40, who was kidnapped from Kibbutz Be’eri, was massacred alongside them. Hamas readily admits to the executions, saying that these are the new rules. But they don’t accept responsibility. Senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri said, “Netanyahu killed the six prisoners, and he is determined to kill the remaining ones.” The lie is so transparent, and it is so evil. And the media is printing it as if it came from the lips of an archangel.

What about an agreement? Is Hamas begging for Israel to put down their weapons? After their tremendous losses, are they pleading with their hands folded desperate for relief? Hardly. Khalil al-Hayya, senior member of the political wing of Hamas, boldly asserts, “Without an Israeli withdrawal from the Philadelphi Corridor, from the Nezarim Corridor, and the Rafah crossing there will be no agreement.” In other words, “Israel, you are defeated. You must give up and go home.” It sounds asinine, but is it really? Hamas is counting on the two weapons that might be big enough to defeat Israel. The first is international pressure, and the second is the left-wing inside Israel. Hamas can’t do it themselves, but they have some pretty powerful allies.

Hezbollah and the North

The battle in the north continues. On Monday, the IDF attacked ten rocket launchers belonging to Hezbollah. Unfortunately, there are many other locations where rockets are stored and from which they can be launched, as evidenced by the 60 rockets they launched during the morning hours yesterday. The IDF responded immediately with a heavy strike. It will be interesting to watch how and when the prime minister will address Hezbollah. So far, it seems that the terrorist group is content to let their chicken-killing rocket attack of August 25 serve as a strong message to Israel that they should stop killing Hezbollah commanders like they did with Fuad Shukr. Unfortunately for the terrorists, the only ones who really seem to be upset are the members of the National Poultry Lobby who apparently took to the streets soon after, crying, “Fowl!”


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