Saturday, August 3, 2024

Worldcoin Spreads Across Europe With Austria Digital ID Launch

Worldcoin Spreads Across Europe With Austria Digital ID Launch

The Worldcoin Foundation has announced that its World ID-issuing orb has been introduced in Austria, which adds another location in Europe with access to its digital identity verification technology. 

As of July 31, residents of Vienna over the age of 18 can verify their World ID at several locations throughout the city, joining a network of over 6.3 million users worldwide.

Worldcoin in Europe

Tools for Humanity, the Germany-based company operating Worldcoin, is complying with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

The project has also consulted with the Austrian data protection authority to address privacy and data security concerns. The company emphasized that World ID verification does not collect additional personal data beyond the iris scan required for the process.

Friederike Lumbroso-Baumgartner, the general manager at Tools for Humanity for Germany, Austria and Switzerland, stated that the project aims to rapidly expand its reach:

“Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to obtain the World ID quickly.”

Worldcoin said that Austrians interested in the initiatives can become Worldcoin ambassadors to help spread “awareness and understanding of the project.”.

The launch in Austria follows a similar launch that recently took place in Germany, which comes after an investigation into Worldcoin by the Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision, or BayLDA, over concerns of biometric data collection.

Reports revealed that the BayLDA probed Worldcoin’s activities back in November 2022.

The company has faced skepticism from other governmental agencies across the globe, including in Spain, where it has halted operations for the time being.

Mixed reception

Along with Spain, it has been asked to stop services in Hong Kong, where the region’s Office of the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data concluded that Worldcoin’s operations violated its Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

At the same time, the company has been actively working toward compliance with local privacy laws, in an attempt to gain more trust from users and regulators worldwide. In May, Worldcoin upped its security by open-sourcing its biometric data system and confirmed that users can now securely delete old iris codes.

After dropping operations in Kenya in 2023 due to a probe opened by local authorities, Kenya dropped its investigation in June, saying “no further police action” will be taken.

However, Worldcoin has faced new allegations related to price manipulation and a scam involving its native Worldcoin (WLD) token. The company has since denied insider trading and manipulation accusations.

The project celebrated its first anniversary on July 23, 2024.

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