Friday, August 2, 2024

UK Prime Minister Calls For Crackdown On Angry Brits

UK Prime Minister Calls For Crackdown On Angry Brits - Violent Migrants Get A Pass

Beyond the obvious Cloward-Piven agenda in play throughout most of Europe and the US, open border policies accomplish much more than simply erasing western culture with third-world migrants.  The introduction of violent peoples from violent countries and ideologies is a perfect way to generate public hostility and getting them to react in anger.  When a government refuses to represent the interests of actual citizens that are under attack by foreign elements the only avenue left to that populace is self defense.

Establishment elites understand very well that their malicious activities are going to generate a vengeful response.  Their first measure is to shame the public with accusations of "extremism" when the public fights back.  When that doesn't work, the next measure is to use popular riots as an excuse to impose authoritarian controls "in the name of safety."

In other words, government officials invite brutal people into the society, let those people run amok while refusing to protect the public, then those same officials punish the public for protecting themselves after leaving them no other choice.

This Hegelian Dialectic is ever present today in the UK where a teenage child of Rwandan migrants planned and executed a violent knife attack on a community center hosting a children's dance recital.  Three young girls are now dead and at least ten others were injured.  The UK media has attempted to spin the event as if it is rooted in mental illness (the attack was planned - not spontaneous).  They lied by omission when they initially tried to hide the family origins of the attacker.  And, they have chastised Brits who rightly took to the streets to protest across the country.

This is not only about one knife attack in the community of Southport, it's about thousands upon thousands of incidents spanning many years of migrant criminality and the government manipulation of statistics to hide the growing problem.  An examination of violent crime rates in England and Wales shows an explosion of incidents from 2014 onward; right after open refugee and asylum standards were implemented across the EU (including the UK at that time) to increase migrants from the Middle East and Africa.

UK police and political authorities specifically avoid keeping a record of the migrant status of most perpetrators, making it difficult to directly prove who is responsible for the crime spike.  Correlation is not necessarily causation, but there were no other dramatic changes to UK society during that time period that would account for the crime spike.  The only thing that changed was the type of migrants the UK government was accepting and the amount of people they were allowing in.

Remove the migrants and watch crime numbers plummet; it's that simple.  The UK public knows it and those in power choose to ignore it.  This has led to predictable conflict.  

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