Saturday, August 24, 2024

Things To Come: PCR II And 'mpox'

This Will Protect From Narrated Pandemics

The W.H.O., C.D.C. and F.D.A. bureaucrats — especially head W.H.O. bureaucrat Tedros — are once again attempting to jawbone monkeypox into the next Global Health Emergency. They’ve changed it’s moniker to “mpox,” probably because of the failure of the previous name to scare folks into taking it seriously with vaccinations, lockdowns, and out-and-out fear-powered totalitarianism like last time with COVID 19. The “bird flu” has likewise failed the scare test so far.

Although last time, Tedros’ advisory committee voted nine to six against declaring the EmergencyTedros declared it anyway. As a measure of his legendary “honesty,” he called that “breaking the tie.

This time, he — and maybe the WEF etc. dominators — whipped his advisory board into line, so we now have“mpox” once again a declared Global Health Bio-emergency with Birdflu pending.

Their BIG GAME is installing the so-called “vaccine passport.” If they get that on, well, let your horror-meme imagination run wild. Not from the disease, from the economy-destroying, freedom-destroying totalitarian lockdowns etc. — and the deadly effects of the mandatory vaccines.

If you understand how our bodies work however, you will be largely immune to these fear-mongering ploys. This article will go a long way to giving you that understanding.

On the other hand, with their handling of the COVID pandemic, the W.H.O., C.D.C. and F.D.A. bureaucrats proved beyond doubt that they are either nearly completely ignorant of human micro-ecology and immune functioning or are unable to communicate coherently about them.

Or maybe they were just lying. Which, do you suppose?

More troubling, a large percentage of medical professionals proved they were likewise ignorant — or just followed along like manipulated lemmings.

Two telling clues:

1. Violating over 100 years of epidemiology and the C.D.C.’s own Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook as well, the health bureaucrats humongously inflated their casehospitalization and death figures by reporting them “with COVID” rather than the traditional and scientifically accurate “from COVID.

This was clearly explained by propagandist Deborah Birx like this – – –

“So, I think in this country we’ve taken a very liberal approach to mortality. …Right now…if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.” SEE her confess — HERE.

This aberrant reporting became the practice world-wide. Italian Professor Walter Ricciardi, scientific adviser to Italy’s minister of health, verifies – – –

“The way in which we code deaths in our country [Italy] is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying from the coronavirus.” —

Subtle but extremely effective if you want to mislead people.

For context, folks also died “with hospital,” “with nursing home,” “with doctor,” “withventilator,” etc. One famous case: A Florida biker, killed in a crash, had COVID listed as the cause of death on his death certificate. This practice was as common as politicians lying and bureaucrats being dumb and lazy. Or is it the other way around – – –

The result was at least an eight-fold (800%) inflation of the COVID figures reported by the M.S.M (Main Stream Media) including facebook, twitter, the Johns-Hopkins “WORLD SICK MAP“, etc.

2. They also inflated the fear-factor by ignoring the 100 year old scientific practice of differentiating between “infections” (minor discomfort) and “cases” (with reported symptoms.) The numbers were further seriously inflated by comprehensive area-wide geographical testing with an unrealistically sensitive test.

Normally folks with, say, the sniffles, maybe a cough etc. would not seek medical attention nor, even if they did, would they necessarily be tested and counted as cases, let alone counting folks who were “asymptomatic,” that is, had no symptoms. Previously these asymptomatic folks wouldn’t have been tested and recognized at all. And as you’ll see, that’s good.

Further, in the case of presumed COVID, the symptoms of the Seasonal Flu are just about identical. Like this – – –

So Is it COVID or Is it the Flu? Not Even Your Doctor Knows for Sure.

And since, as COVID cases increased, the seasonal flu all but disappeared all around the world, either COVID cured the flu or a LOT of the 206,000 yearly U.S. flu cases were mis-counted as COVID instead and were likely another source of those 800% inflated COVID figures. Take your pick. Ditto around the rest of the world.

But does this prove all those health bureaucrats at the W.H.O., C.D.C. and F.D.A. are ignorant of human micro-ecology? Or maybe lying?

Once you begin to think about dis-eases, there’s an almost always neglected context. We are not alone in our bodies. We’re accompanied by an incredibly large array of microorganisms. In fact, current estimates suggest that the number of those companions significantly exceed the number of our own cells.

Dr. Kary Mullis — who won the Nobel Prize for developing the PCR test which is also what’s being used to detect MPOX — said it’s too sensitive, especially when run at high amplification cycles, to be used to make primary diagnoses. None the less, that’s the way it’s usually being used.

An amplification cycle is sort of like doubling the magnification of a picture on your device and then doubling the resultant magnified image again and again and again etc.

The other thing is, the test is primed to look for one or sometimess two short DNA sequences and there’s a lot of dead cell debris in real-life samples, which sometimes match the PCR’s target sequence, thus giving a false positive, especially at high amplification cycles.

The C.D.C. and W.H.O. told folks to run the tests as high as 45 amplification cycles and later, 35 cycles, both extremely high. The problem is that a sample that tests positive for an organism above 25 amplification cycles can’t be cultured. That is, the virus, if it actually exists in that sample, can’t be coaxed to reproduce, even in favorable laboratory conditions.

The logical conclusion is if the virus can’t even be cultured in favorable laboratory conditions, it won’t be able to reproduce in the hostile environment of the human body and clearly can’t be meaningfully transmitted.

In fact, that argument found its way into a French Court, which correctly asserted that if the PCR test was to be used as an excuse for lockdowns — which have been proven ineffective in most circumstances anyway (Peru, with the world’s strictest lockdown and world’s highest death rate is a good example) and often terminally damaging to large swaths of the world economy — the tests should be required to run at no more than 27 amplification cycles.

And remember, previously they wouldn’t be testing everyone anyway and so most of these benign infections didn’t come to anyone’s attention. Under the current non-scientific regieme and against Koch’s 100 years of epidemiological standards, however, they’re being counted as “cases.

With this kind of operation, if they wanted to, they could pick almost any micro-organism — say Monkeypox or Bird flu or the common cold — and turn it into a Global Health Emergency.

And, to start with, despite his advice, they are indeed using Dr. Kary Mullis’ PCR test to diagnose monkeypox.

Despite its proven lack of rigor, it seems that the Club of Rome, dedicated to the reduction of the human population and reincarnated as the WEF with Bill Gates as point-man, has been pimping a monkeypox Global Health Emergency since 2017, presumably complete with lockdowns, forced vaccination, and vaccine passports.

Monkeypox (MPOX) exhibits first as flu-like symptoms and if it doesn’t clear up on its own, may proceed as a rash on the face that spreads down the belly. If it proceeds further, pustules may develop. Seriously unpleasant but it usually clears up on its own without treatment in two to four weeks.

Based on this NEJM published study, 98% of those infected in cases from 16 countries were gay or bisexual men, 41% had AIDS, and 95% of infections were suspected as a result of sexual activity. 64% had fewer than 11 lesions and ~10% had only one. No one died.

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