Sunday, August 4, 2024

Swiss Government Takes Child Away From Parents Who Refused Puberty Blockers

SHOCKING: Swiss Government Takes Child Away From Parents Who Refused Puberty Blockers

In Switzerland, a 13-year-old girl, influenced by teachers and doctors, declared herself a boy, leading to a legal battle where her parents were forced by the government to consent to her transition, including puberty blockers. The parents, fearing irreversible harm to their child and the erosion of their rights, are fighting back with the support of ADF International, highlighting a growing clash between parental authority and the trans movement's influence in some Western societies.

Kids Can't Consent: The Swiss Story

Kids can't make big decisions about their health. 

They aren't mature enough to understand the long-term consequences. This common-sense idea has protected children in Western society for centuries. But in the last ten years, this rule has been challenged to support the trans movement.

Govt takes child from parents after they refused puberty blockers! A 13-year-old girl, now in a state home, faces forced medical transition without her parents' consent.


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