Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Russia and America Reversed Places Regarding Socialism

Russia and America Reversed Places Regarding Socialism - While Russia Ended Its Love Affair With Marxism, The United States Contracted This Infectious Disease

Few historical events can compare to the stark contrast between boundless optimism and harsh reality and grand aspirations and futile delusions, as seen in socialism’s proliferation. Its ascent and decline represent one of the most sorrowful chapters of the past century.

Socialism as a political movement took root in 1848 when Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels published “The Communist Manifesto.” In a nutshell, socialism is a philosophy of economic equality that promotes a doctrine of universal poverty. True economic equality can only be attained in a state of poverty, as the concept of equal wealth is inherently contradictory. Nevertheless, the illusory ideas of socialism transcend time and continue intoxicating people of all colors and races.

Even the Soviet Union’s dramatic collapse and Eastern Europe’s emancipation did not diminish the vitality of socialism and its Marxist ideology. In one of the most dramatic reversals in history, Marxism evolved with a new strategy and found a new home in the United States, gaining renewed vigor and influence within the Democrat party.

The Dodd-Frank Act successfully placed the financial sectors under government oversight. Similarly, Kamala Harris’s desire for “Medicare for All” aims to place healthcare under government management. Additionally, her other proposal to set price control on groceries represents the first direct step to regulate corporate profits.

As we know from history, building socialism is an organized and disruptive artificial process associated with ideological polarization, cultural and political confrontations, and violations of the existing moral order. Gradually, the socialists undermine established institutions—such as marriage, religion, the free-market economy, the judicial system, and the principle of individual liberty—by depicting them as outdated, unjust, and discriminatory. They relentlessly advocate for woke culture, promote homosexuality, and challenge traditional family values, aligning with Lenin’s assertion that “Destroy the family, and you destroy the society.”

To widen its support base and ensure the triumph of socialism in America, the Democrats are in the process of dismantling the established constitutional order by offering suffrage to foreigners. Backing up this malicious concept, some states, such as California, have been automatically registering illegal aliens to vote when they obtain or renew a driver’s license. Indeed, the Democrats are vehemently against voter IDs and cleaning the voter rolls. Consequently, we should anticipate, as it has been the case historically with the socialists, that fraud will be used as the most effective weapon in the socialists’ arsenal.

Paradoxically, in the last twenty years, Russia and America reversed places regarding socialism. While Russia has ended its love affair with socialism, the United States contracted this infectious disease. The communist leaders, ranging from Lenin to Brezhnev, who are watching from the Great Beyond, are incredulous. They observe with sardonic smiles that what the Soviet Union could not achieve through its formidable military and nuclear capabilities is now being realized by duly American presidents and legislature, backed by the American electorate.


1 comment:

  1. Nikita K once said the Cold War will end when we become more like you and you become more us. Looks like we became more like them.
