Friday, August 30, 2024

Rumors Of Wars: The Stage Is Being Set For Cataclysmic Wars

Jan Markell talks to Dr. David Reagan for the hour. The Bible speaks much about peace and war. Not until the New Heavens and New Earth are we finished with war. Will believers witness any of the nine end-time wars and which one is next?

The Stage Is Being Set For The Cataclysmic Wars Of 2025

While the mainstream media focuses our attention on the upcoming election, the stage is being set for the unthinkable.  Chess pieces are in motion all over the planet, and global leaders continue to drag us in directions that we should not want to go.  If everyone truly understood where current events were taking us, there would be massive protests in every major city right now.  The comfortable lifestyles that so many of us take for granted are about to be shattered.  The U.S. could soon find itself involved in several major wars simultaneously, and we are definitely not prepared for such a scenario.

Most Americans could not even pick out Taiwan on a blank map of the world, but for the Chinese the island of Taiwan is of the utmost importance.

On Thursday, a Chinese general told Jake Sullivan to his face that Taiwan is “the first red line that must not be crossed”

A top Chinese general on Thursday told White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan that the U.S. must stop its “collusion” with Taiwan, during a high-stakes meeting in Beijing.

Gen. Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of China’s Central Military Commission, told Sullivan that Taiwan “is at the very core of China’s core interests, the bedrock of the political foundation of China-US relations, and the first red line that must not be crossed,” according to a readout from the Chinese Ministry of National Defense.

“The PLA will definitely take countermeasures against the provocations of the Taiwan independence forces,” the readout said Zhang had told Sullivan, using an acronym for China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army. “China urges the US side to stop military collusion with Taiwan, stop arming Taiwan, and stop spreading false narratives on Taiwan.”

The Chinese are very angry.

And they have been preparing to take military action against Taiwan for a very long time.

When that finally happens, we will be at war with China, and everything will change

Meanwhile, the Russians continue to gobble up even more territory in eastern Ukraine

Russian troops continue to make significant advances toward Pokrovsk, the city in Donetsk that is a key logistics hub, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) whose map shows the latest state of play in the region.

The Washington, D.C., think tank cited geolocated footage from Wednesday it said showed Russian advances into Memryk, a town around 18 miles southeast of Pokrovsk, which some military bloggers claimed Moscow had completely seized.

Other geolocated footage showed advances by Russian forces in other areas southeast of Pokrovsk, near the city of Novohrodivka, which has been corroborated by Russian military bloggers.

At this point, western leaders are so desperate to achieve “victory” that they are throwing everything except the kitchen sink at the Russians.

Both sides are just going to keep escalating matters until a line is crossed that will never be able to be uncrossed.

The Russians are preparing for that inevitability by constructing shiny new bomb shelters for their population…

The Kremlin yesterday released a bizarre video glamorising its newly built bomb shelters, as Ukraine continued its incursion into Russian territory.

Filmed in the popular Black Sea resort of Sochi, the clip features two young women smiling as they walk into a shelter – as if this is just another part of everyday life.

Unfortunately for us, when bombs start falling on our soil we will be out of luck because we don’t have any bomb shelters.

Interestingly, a YouGov poll that was conducted last year discovered that 66 percent of Americans are concerned that humanity could be wiped out by nuclear weapons…

According to a 2023 YouGov poll of a thousand respondents, sixty-six per cent are worried that the human race will be wiped out by nuclear weapons; roughly the same number worry that we will be killed off by a world war; fifty-three per cent think the next pandemic could do us in; fifty-two per cent bet on climate change; forty-six per cent on A.I.; forty-two per cent on an act of God; thirty-seven per cent on an asteroid; thirty-one per cent global inability to have children; twenty-five per cent an alien invasion

We should be very thankful that nuclear weapons have not been used in combat since the end of World War II.

Unfortunately, it won’t be too long before that streak ends.

The war that I am watching more closely than any other right now is the current conflict in the Middle East.

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