Friday, August 23, 2024

Medvedev: 'No More Negotiations Until After The Enemy Is Completely Defeated'

This will be the continuation after Kursk, according to Medvedev

Russian Security Council Vice President Dmitry Medvedev weighed in on the issue again in a Telegram post, writing about the follow-up:

"In my opinion, recently, although theoretically, there was a danger - a negotiating trap, into which our country could fall under certain conditions: Early unnecessary peace negotiations proposed by the international community and imposed on the Kiev regime. With unclear prospects and consequences.

After the neo-Nazis committed a terrorist act in the Kursk region, everything fell into place. The pointless chatter of unauthorized middlemen on the subject of a beautiful world has ceased. Now everyone understands everything, even if they don't say it out loud. They understand this: NO MORE NEGOTIATIONS UNTIL THE ENEMY IS COMPLETELY DEFEATED!

So don't let the wretched bastard with an ugly muzzle and disheveled white hair from a country where a terrorist operation was preparing to enjoy it.

His country has done much worse on the ground it trusts. For Ukraine: there will be much more senseless spending, significantly more damaged military equipment, and radically more coffins.

And now let the unfortunate Ukrainian serfs kiss lustily for all this the bloody hands of the necrophiles who mock them – their Anglo-Saxon masters.”

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