Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Armed Migrant Gangs Stalk UK While Government Cracks Down On Native Brits

Armed Migrant Gangs Stalk UK While Government Cracks Down On Native Brits

It's a story we've seen before.  In the US and Europe during the pandemic lockdowns, far-left rioting and looting in the name of BLM was widely celebrated by the corporate media and protected by government officials.  

The lockdown mandates were not enforced when it came to progressive unrest.  Conservative anti-mandate protesters, on the other hand, were treated as terrorists and governments were quick to censor, suppress and intimidate.  A two tier policing system and legal system bubbled to the surface. 

Wherever conservative, nationalist or "right wing" protests arise in the west the full force of government power is applied to frighten the public into compliance.  It might be to enforce covid mandates or it might be to prevent the populace from questioning open border policies.  In the UK The mask has truly come off.  The message? You will accept mass immigration from the third world, or else...

UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer's recent announcement on the government response to British protests are highly revealing.  To summarize, indigenous and "right wing" Brits are not allowed to take to the streets (or online) because their ideology is "wrong."  Armed Muslim migrant gangs and leftists are apparently free to do whatever they please.

UK authorities, not surprisingly, have also called for a "covid-style lockdown" in order to control British patriots.  The conspiracy theorists were right again - The lockdown policies of the pandemic were never about protecting public health, they were a test to see how effectively they could subjugate the population.

Many Brits argue that Starmer's proclamations have emboldened violent migrant gangs and armed Muslim groups to take to the streets and attack white people at random.  The migrants refer to this as "asserting dominance".  Starmer has made little mention of the migrant gangs now patrolling the streets of UK neighborhoods and has focused solely on indigenous British protesters. 

TWO TIER POLICING: A huge crowd of Muslims gathers on the streets in Birmingham. There are: No police No dogs No horses No kettling No snatch squads No facial recognition surveillance No arrests No condemnation from the Starmer regime

The only reason migrants are able to behave this way without being checked is because UK authorities made it clear that Brits who organize to defend themselves will be prosecuted.  The two tier system is designed to protect non-citizens and the open border ideology.

Keep in mind, a teenage child of Rwandan migrants went on a killing spree at a children's dance recital in Southport last week and this is what triggered the civil unrest to begin with.  After a decade of relentless unvetted immigration, rising crime and rape gangs, the British are finally fed up.  Yet, Starmer and the UK government made no statements addressing the continuing problems caused by mass immigration from third-world countries.  They have treated these numerous incidents as coincidental and denied any relation to the criminal's ideology.  Native Brits feel utterly unrepresented by their own political leadership.

Migrant gangs, calling themselves the 'Muslim Defense League', stalk British cities with impunity.  Few if any police are in sight when these gangs are engaging in criminal activity.  When police do encounter the gangs, they reassure the migrants that the authorities are "there to protect them."

The amount of footage showcasing the lack of policing when it comes to migrants is endless, not only in the past week but also in the past several months of aggressive Pro-Palestinian protests in London.  The absence of safety and the special treatment of migrants by the legal system is what British patriots have been complaining about, and the UK government just doubled down.  Ultimately, it may be time for Brits to accept the reality that the current government is the source of their pain, and migrant violence is just a symptom.

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BBC Describes Violent Birmingham Riot As "Largely Peaceful"

Paul Joseph Watson

The BBC described a riot in Birmingham during which a pub was besieged, innocent people violently attacked and news reporters harassed and followed as “largely peaceful,” while failing to identify the people behind it.

Last night saw more unrest in several locations across the country, but the broadcaster was seemingly loathe to focus on what happened in England’s second largest city.

Hundreds of Muslim men gathered on the streets of Birmingham near the Village Islamic Centre after reports of a “far-right” rally that never materialized.

What did unfold was severely downplayed or ignored completely by a media that has for a week been busy blaming all the disorder on white, working class people despite the presence of mobs of Muslim men who have also fueled the violence.

A clip from Sky News shows one of their female reporters being confronted by masked thugs, one of whom makes a gun trigger sign towards the camera.

Labour MP Jess Philips then condoned the actions of the mob by asserting they were only there to protect themselves from “racists” (white people).

Another clip, subsequently deleted by Sky News, showed a man wearing a balaclava trying to slash the tyres of their vehicle.

In Birmingham, the large group of Muslim men are now targeting random, innocent people in pubs. Appalling. We now have an escalated race war and very few MPs want to acknowledge it. Every time Two Tier Keir speaks, things get worse. Perhaps he should have gone on holiday.


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