Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Arizona Mom Arrested at Council Meeting By Mayor For Criticism Of City Officials

Arizona Mom Arrested at Council Meeting By Mayor For Criticism Of City Officials, All While 10-Year-Old Daughter Watches in Horror

An Arizona woman was arrested in front of her 10-year-old daughter after she seemingly offended the town mayor when she began criticizing city officials during a city council meeting last week.

Rebekah Massie took to the stand to voicing her opposition to a renewal of a city attorney’s contract which would include a salary raise. Massie, furious about the pay increase, began her attack by claiming that the official previously violated the U.S. Bill of Rights, the Arizona constitution, and the state bar’s rules of professional conduct.

As Massie was just getting her attack rolling by bringing up the multiple public records requests that she made in regards to other issues, she was abruptly cut off by Suprise Mayor Skip Hall. He pointed her to the council’s preposterous rules stating that oral communication is not permitted to “lodge charges or complains against any employee of the City to members of the body”.

“This is the public meeting forum you agree to when you speak.” Hall told the woman, to which she responded “That’s all fine, well, and good – but that’s a violation of my First Amendment rights.”

The mayor, taking on the role of a tinpot dictator, responded with a warning to Massie that she would be escorted from the property if she dared continue to speak out.

“Do you want to be escorted out of here, or are you gonna stop talking?”  He threatened.

The argument continued to escalate, as the mayor dismissed the citizen’s concerns regarding city policy, leading to a police officer being ordered by the mayor to escort the woman out of the building for trespassing.

“In front of my 10-year-old daughter, you’re gonna escort me out for expressing my First Amendment rights?” Massie asked, to which Hall callously responded, “She can go with you.”

According to court records, Massie received a citation for criminal trespassing.

This incident raises serious concerns about the policies that govern public discourse within our government institutions. The actions taken against Rebekah Massie highlight a troubling trend of silencing dissent and discouraging citizens from voicing legitimate concerns regarding their elected officials.

Free speech is the cornerstone of our democratic processes which are the foundation of our constitutional republic. Our first amendment rights are essential for holding the government accountable and ensuring that the voices of the people are heard. When policies are enforced that stifle discussion or penalize citizens for speaking out, we erode the very foundations of our society.

The experience of Massie, especially in the presence of her young daughter, serves as a somber reminder that free speech is currently under threat in this country. Not only have U.S. citizens been battling censorship online with Big Tech, the government is also openly using policy to criminalize public speech that they don’t like.

Upholding the principles of free speech is not only a matter of constitutional integrity but a bipartisan responsibility we all share, to protect the rights of those who seek to engage with their government or hold them accountable.


Oklahoma Teen Bravely Fights Back Against Woke School Officials After Being Told He Can’t Fly American Flag from His Pick-Up – Community then Rallies Behind Him

Cullen Linebarger

An Edmond, Oklahoma, high school student is fighting back against woke school officials despite facing disciplinary action after being told he couldn’t fly an American flag from his pick-up truck, and the community is rallying behind him.

KOCO reported that last Wednesday, Edmond High School senior Caleb Horst was told he could not display this beautiful but straightforward display of patriotism despite the student pointing out that he had been flying it for “quite a while.”

To make matters even more ridiculous, the display of American flags on campus is not even against official school policy. Edmond Public Schools says they encourage them not to fly Old Glory as part of a “practice,” not a requirement.

Not surprisingly, Horst is angry over his high school’s efforts to silence his ability to show pride in the greatest country on Earth and is speaking out, saying school officials are infringing on his constitutional rights.

“I’ve never really had problems with it before, and it’s our First Amendment, so it’s kind of hard for them to infringe upon our rights,” Horst told KOCO.

Following his school’s outrageous action, Horst received incredible backing beginning Thursday from other students, parents, and local lawmakers demanding the outrageous decision be reversed. Students, parents, and other Edmond residents even organized a beautiful, patriotic protest yesterday, which was full of American flags, to demand Edmond High School back off.


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