Monday, August 5, 2024

America: No Country for Old Men

America: No Country for Old Men

American traditions, once thought immutable, have sustained one withering assault after the next over the past eighty years or so, while taking even harder hits from the Bush administration to the present Biden regime, traditions supported by America’s core principles found within Natural Law, Christianity and the Declaration of Independence. These traditions exist because they were well-founded in truth and practical ideas that worked for the benefit of all in the best of all possible manners, respecting mankind’s reality and existence within nature as a free born and sovereign, each to their own, and the sanctity of marriage, one man one woman, and life itself, and the right to pursue our own life without any oppressive government intrusions.

Our traditions time have not come to pass but still survive precisely due to their foundations in truth, and they need only to be defended and brought to bear in the hearts of America’s families, Her sons and daughters and Her patriots once more, ever more fiercely and fervently.

Gustav Mahler, an Austrian composer, said, “Tradition is not the worship of ashes, but the preservation of fire.”

However, one is left wondering these days if the red, radical, Marxist-Maoists and their RINO allies within our country have succeeded in killing what is left of the once storied “American Dream” in our country, as they press on in their attempts to cow American patriots under a constant barrage of anti-Christian, anti-conservative and anti-American political propaganda and the guise of “saving democracy”, especially with the rise of so many millions on natural born amerikkans and their legal and illegal anti-American allies who violently express their hatred for America, Her traditions, freedoms and liberties, capitalism and this republic by and large and on the whole.

For the detractors of American “capitalism” as the general cause of a lack of upward mobility and social mobility in general, we should all note that the U.S. hasn’t had a true capitalist system in well over a hundred years. We have a heavily regulated fascistic system, corporatism, whereby far too many big businesses find the means to have their particular niches of the market protected, with the help of lobbyists and well-connected fixers. This has worked to drive an untold number of small businesses to close shop for decades now, much to the detriment of individuals and communities everywhere.

A massive sector of American society tied to both government and corporate entities promotes suicidal ideas and does its utmost best to ram them down our throats against our will and our fierce protestations. “Climate change” initiatives that have hamstrung and destroyed much of our energy infrastructure, authoritarian policies that can only be called “fascist”, and assaults on our culture and history exhibits the fact that nothing is safe from the ire of the Marxist-Maoist Democrats and those ignorant RINOs who regularly aid them in their destructive actions. It doesn’t make sense, until one understands and accepts that their idea of “the fundamental transformation of America” means the total destruction of traditional America and the republic.

Even when those proponents for freedom and our inalienable God-given rights win landmark cases within the Supreme Court to halt the Democrat Party Communists agenda for the fundamental transformation of America into an authoritarian socialist state, these Marxist-Maoists proceed in illegal and criminal fashion with their plans as if nothing was in place to stop them. They are acting in an ongoing lawless manner, despite every conservative counter move, because they can, and they have not been made to suffer any consequence of any significance enough to make them rethink their course or come close to halting its destruction of our republic.

But what better way to destroy the republic and bring the people under the heavy boot of socialist authoritarianism if not by opening the borders to flood the country with millions more people heavily inclined to vote for big government socialist agendas and take jobs from citizens, tons of death dealing fentanyl, destroy the energy and agriculture sector [killing thousands of heads of beef and dairy cattle, chickens and hogs] and the economy in the process. And all the while they stoke the fires of unrest and move our country’s radical communists, anarcho-communists, islamofascists, and fascists of all stripes to riot, loot and burn our cities.


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