Tuesday, July 2, 2024

You will own nothing and be happy:

 Charles Wills

When Klaus Schwab, a direct descendant of Hitler's Nazi elite, said, "You will own nothing and be happy", everyone concluded that he was talking to the middle class. We know that because the impoverished, wards of the state, and slaves own nothing. So Schwab had to be talking to productive citizens; people who own cars, land, and homes. And what are productive citizens that own nothing known as? They are known as slaves!

The internet based Merriam Webster's Dictionary defines slavery as: " The practice or institution of holding people as chattel (property) involuntarily and under threat of violence." The Cambridge Dictionary defines slavery as"The activity of legally owning other people who are forced to work for or obey you."

Ownership or power over others isn't the driving force behind slavery. The primary driving force behind slavery is monetary gain. For example, flesh peddlers kidnap people and sell them as slaves for profit, and Democrat slave masters buy people to profit from the fruits of their labor.As our founders defined it, "slavery is forcing people, under threat of punishment, to give up all or part of the fruits of their labor to another person, organization, or government". That definition of slavery is why our founders prohibited the Federal Government from taxing an individual's income (the fruits of labor) in the Constitution. They considered taxing the fruits of labor a form of state servitude or slavery.

Schwab's statement, "You Will Own Nothing" provides proof that the New World Order plans to totally enslave the entire global population because the only people who own nothing are slaves. The New World Order plans to return the entire world to the slavery and servitude that existed when our founders rebelled against it. The biggest difference between past and modern slavery is that modern slavery is based on consent, and that's reflected in Schwab's complete statement, "You will own nothing and be happy"; happy that your masters allow you to live.

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