Friday, July 5, 2024

Who Actually Runs the Country?

Biden’s Debate Performance Was Shocking Proof That He’s Merely a Puppet. Who Actually Runs the Country?

As stated numerous times in the past, this site is not about the puppet show that is politics; it is about the puppeteers who pull the strings behind the scenes. And these proverbial strings were never more apparent than during the CNN Presidential Debate that aired on June 27th. “The most powerful man on Earth” was not even the most powerful man in the room.

The CNN debate will most likely go down in history as the worst performance ever by a Presidential candidate. Described as nothing less than a”disaster” and a “trainwreck” by journalists who had no way of spinning this positively, Joe Biden’s performance was not merely “bad”; it was deeply concerning.

It was one of these historical moments when a “conspiracy theory” became an obvious reality for the average person. Indeed, as the world witnessed Joe Biden struggling to form a coherent sentence, one thought came to our collective minds: Who is truly running America? Because it’s clearly not Joe Biden.

While the media did its best to hide Biden’s senility, the debate made it abundantly clear that he was not the one managing the country’s economy, conducting military operations, or devising social policies. Everything is already planned out from above, and he has no say in any of this.

In other words, Joe Biden isn’t running anything. He’s the one that’s being run.

So, who’s running him and the country? The same tentacular entity that runs countries worldwide, with the same disastrous effects: the global elite. Every aspect of Biden’s presidency was planned long before he took office. Sadly, the ultimate goal is not America’s security and prosperity; it is the profound reshaping of America to fit into a global world order.

Biden is not the first president to be controlled by outside forces, and many other heads of state worldwide are currently taking orders from the same place. The only difference is that Biden’s declining cognitive functions made everything abundantly clear.

As a Canadian, I know something about a heavily compromised head of state. Justin Trudeau—whose profession before becoming Canada’s prime minister was high school drama teacher—is an empty vessel trained to implement the WEF’s agendas. And that is not a “conspiracy theory.” Klaus Schwab, the head of the WEF, boasted that his organization was “penetrating” the Canadian government and several others.

In the video above, Schwab stated that at least half of Trudeau’s cabinet was sold out to this elitist, globalist, and unelected organization. Several other governments around the world take orders from the same place. In my recent article about the 2024 Bilderberg meeting, I highlighted the presence of these important figures of the Biden administration (among many others):

  • Jen Easterly, Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency of the United States
  • Tarun Chhabra, Senior Director for Technology and National Security of the United States
  • Richard H. Phillips, Director of National Intelligence of the United States

These three directors are responsible for highly secretive United States agencies involving national security. Why are they discussing this with leaders from around the world? Who are they truly working for?

The sad truth is that they are taking orders. Then, they implement these orders while Biden naps and Trudeau stares blankly at a wall. These heads of state are not there to run the country—they are used to sell destructive policies devised to bring about a single goal: a New World Order.

Every single country infiltrated by globalists displays one obvious telltale: uncontrolled immigration. Even Canada—a country that only shares a border with the United States—found a way of “losing control” of immigration.

After purposely losing control of immigration, Trudeau says that immigration is out of control and there’s nothing he can do about it. Globalist leaders work against their country and for a new world order.

All of this is by design. A massive flux of uncontrolled immigration is the first step towards a global government. First, it erodes national cultures and identities, replacing them with a hegemonic global culture. To achieve a world government, local cultures and histories need to be erased, and, even worse, they need to be considered “racist.”

Second, mass immigration leads to the decay of the social fabric, lowers the quality of life, creates tensions, and exacerbates division. These things are great for destroying a country from within and justifying implementing a global world order.

As soon as the Biden administration took power, it opened the Southern border inexplicably. Why would anyone in their right mind do such a destructive and counterproductive thing?


  1. So, who runs the world, My guess they worship Bael/ Baal. My guess is they live somewhere safe, Switzerland (central Europe). My guess they live in a town with a similar name to the one they worship, Basel. My guess is they really believe they are the chosen ones, and it is their duty/ obligation to rule the world. My guess is they really hate Germans. My guess is all will not go well and they will not survive the rein of the Antichrist. But that is just a guess.

  2. What do you mean by "Who Actually Runs the Country?"

    God Himself, in His Sovereignty, is ruling over every situation from His Throne. Nothing is happening without Him allowing it, or by His design for His perfect plan and purposes.
