Tuesday, July 23, 2024

What’s The Deep State’s Next Move?

With Biden out of the 2024 race, what’s the Deep State’s next move?

This is where the question about the future trajectory of the Democratic Party comes down to who is really in charge in Washington, DC at the moment. For those who believe that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have been calling the shots for the past several years, I’ve got some hot property in Virginia Beach to sell you. The real powerbrokers behind the throne – the Deep State, if you will – who give Biden and Harris their marching orders, are comprised of the likes of the Clintons, Obamas, Pelosis, Schumers, and many others. While this may sound like a grand conspiracy theory, it’s not difficult to imagine that some of the most powerful and influential Democratic dynasties of the last century have serious sway over policy in Washington. Donald Trump, who knows a thing or two about how things work in DC, has suggested as much.

“The Deep State is real,” wrote Jason Chaffetz, the former chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. “They don’t like exposure, accountability, or responsibility. They fight back, outlast, and work the system to their advantage.”

Whether or not the American political system has been victimized by such an operation is of the utmost importance for all Americans. But whether or not a person believes it to be true, they cannot deny that the most powerful names in Washington have one goal, and that is to prevent The Orange Man from getting anywhere near the Oval Office again. The question they are certainly asking themselves today is: can the first female, black and South Asian vice-president in US history pull off the task? My personal hunch is that they do not have much faith in Kamala winning a fair (and fair is the crucial word) no-holds-barred slugfest against the indefatigable Donald. Kamala simply lacks the composure and charm necessary for survival in the political jungle, as was clearly demonstrated in her 2000 run for the presidency when her polling numbers never escaped the basement, forcing her to leave the field before the primaries even began.

Unless. Yes, there is an unless. Unless the wily Democrats have ascertained beforehand that mail-in ballots, together with the millions of migrant voters anxious to support their benefactors, could guarantee victory to even the likes of Kamala Harris in a showdown against Trump. In that case, we could be looking at the first female US president (together with the possibility of a female VP, for example, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, or maybe a male in the form of California Governor Gavin Newsom, whose super ego would probably preclude him taking the inferior role). Such a combination of factors could guarantee the Deep State at least another four years of calling the shots in Washington, DC from the shadows, with a weak and submissive leader formally in power. Stranger things have happened.


  1. First come to mind is fake the polls to keep the election close so cheating does not appear obvious.

  2. 2nd probably force Biden out to give Kamala the moniker of Presidential experience.
