Sunday, July 7, 2024

U.S. At Increased Threat For Terrorist Attack

U.S. At Second-Highest Threat Level For Terrorist Attack As Dangers Increase

American soldiers abroad and U.S. citizens at home face perilously high odds of suffering a terrorist attack caused by the Biden administration's policies, a national security expert has revealed. In his estimation, the American homeland stands at the second-highest level of terrorist alert.

His estimation comes days after U.S. European Command (EUCOM), which oversees 83,000 U.S. soldiers across the continent, raised the threat of a terrorist attack over the next week to "Force Protection Charlie," the second-highest level.

"There are a host of issues that might be at play," said retired Lt. Col. Bob Maginnis on "Washington Watch" Monday. "Certainly, the Olympics come to mind," as they start later this month, as well as possible Russian activity in response to U.S. sponsorship of Ukraine.

On Tuesday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the Biden administration would give an additional $2.3 billion in taxpayer funding to Ukraine. That comes as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has asked President Biden for permission to use U.S.-donated Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) missiles to strike deep into the interior of Russia, significantly widening the war.

But, Maginnis warned, the potential to suffer from some form of terrorist attack is far from confined to Americans overseas -- and the primary danger comes from uncontrolled illegal immigration.

"Where would you suspect we are right here in the homeland?" asked guest host and former Congressman Jody Hice.

"Probably Charlie trending to Delta," replied Maginnis.

The force protection levels, from lowest to highest, are: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta.

"We are at a very heightened level, even though it's not acknowledged by Homeland Security," said Maginnis, senior fellow for National Security at Family Research Council and author of the book "Kings of the East: China's Plan to Eliminate America and Impose a Communist World Order."

"The risk is high," he said.

"The southern border has been wide open for a long time. Millions of people have come in" during the Biden administration -- an estimated 10 million illegal border crossings, not including unknown gotaways. That includes "many thousands of military-age communist Chinese, many from the Middle East, many from northern Africa -- where we don't have any real friends -- and then, of course an odd lot from Eastern Europe that we could very well have bad characters in sleeper cells posted around this country near our critical infrastructure."

Potential terrorists continue to swarm over the southern border, a problem that has intensified with each passing month of the Biden administration. Last month, ICE agents arrested eight illegal immigrants from Tajikistan with ties to ISIS in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, and New York City. 

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