Thursday, July 4, 2024

Updates From Amir Tsarfati

Amir Tsarfati: The War Within — Netanyahu Is Dealing With Pressure No Israeli PM Has Faced Before

Netanyahu is dealing with pressure that none of Israel’s prime ministers have faced before. Imagine dealing with the internal strife, military conflicts in multiple places, corrupt leaders within, and dealing with a White House that’s constantly giving you ultimatums. Speaking of the White House, Netanyahu made it clear to the Americans that Israel will not accept a situation where Hezbollah decides when to fire and when to start fighting according to what is happening in Gaza.

According to the same sources, Netanyahu made it clear to the Americans that we will not accept the issue of Hezbollah on the border fence and the immediate threat to the settlements in the area. The essence of his message to the Americans: Either you will make them (Hezbollah) withdraw beyond the Litani River, or the IDF will push them beyond the river.

On one hand, it’s hard to believe that it’s almost been nine months since we went to war with Hamas in Gaza. But on the other hand, after discovering just how complex their underground tunnel system is, it’s not all that surprising. And I’m not even mentioning the complications of fighting against psychopaths who use women and children as shields. Anyway, we’re still there. However, the front has changed from all-out war in Rafah to targeted attacks on terrorists and specific infrastructure as we destroy the tunnel system along the way.

Sadly, there are still dozens of Israeli hostages there, most of which we assume to be dead. Regardless, we intend to bring every one of them home. In the meantime, combat rages on. Israeli soldiers are seeing some tough days in Gaza, falling victim to booby-trapped homes and tunnel shafts. Casualties and injuries are continuing to add up. Please continue to pray for them.

Our current confrontation with Hezbollah is like a tennis match, but instead of a bouncy, neon ball, we’re dealing with rockets, missiles, and drones. The IDF is attacking Hezbollah military sites in Southern Lebanon daily while the world’s largest terror proxy fires dozens of rockets into Northern Israel on a regular basis. 

However, we’re hitting them where it hurts despite the war having not officially begun quite yet. Our targeted attacks on their key personnel and leadership are surely starting to take a toll. Whether they’re in a building, a vehicle, on a bike, or in hiding (so they think) – we’re finding them. 

As I’ve been saying for weeks, war is imminent. The panic is growing within the ranks of Hezbollah as they continue to make a multitude of threats should a war with Israel begin.

When it comes to targeted attacks, what took place in Lebanon yesterday was critical. The IDF eliminated Abu Ali Nasser, commander of Hezbollah’s Aziz unit! This is a super significant elimination! The elimination of Nasser marked the killing of the most high-ranking Hezbollah commander in the last nine months. But this elimination didn’t go unnoticed. 

 Throughout today (Thursday), we’ve been dealing with nonstop attacks in the northern region of the country. It’s estimated that over 200 projectiles have been launched by Hezbollah so far. Part of an intercepted drone hit a shopping mall in the Israeli town of Acco and injuries are being reported by our military after drones hit IDF bases. If that’s not enough, fires are breaking out all over Northern Israel, including the Golan Heights. The IDF has begun extensive attacks in Southern Lebanon, but it’s going to be a long night.

Again, I sympathize with the people of Lebanon, as so many want nothing to do with this regime running their country. In fact, a member of parliament from the Christian factions threatened to break up Lebanon into two countries if Hezbollah goes to war. And it’s not just Hezbollah in Lebanon we’re dealing with. The other proxies in places like Iraq are preparing to go to war with Israel is well. Iran’s proxy resources north and northeast of our border are vast in number – far vaster than you know.

Iran is Being Swept Under the Rug

The ayatollahs have zero accountability right now given the apathy of the United States. Yes, the Islamic Republic lost its president in a helicopter crash, but make no mistake, Iran is on its way to a nuclear bomb while the world is distracted. The International Atomic Energy Agency recently reported that Iran has installed new and advanced centrifuges and enrichment facilities at the underground nuclear sites in Pardo and Natanz, and in Natanz, it has already begun enriching uranium.

There is so much more I could say about their nuclear activity, but it suffices to say, they’re getting a deadly free pass – and they’re loving it. And yes, they’re prepared to enter into any war that takes place between Israel and Hezbollah. This led two notable people in Israel to go public about the possible need for nuking Iran should it be an existential threat during the coming war.


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