Friday, July 5, 2024

There is a risk of a repeat of the Cuban Missile Crisis


Russian President Vladimir Putin, speaking in the context of the Shanghai Pact (SCO) meeting, made a series of statements that confirm the dismantling of the Global security architecture, as it was formed after the fall of the Soviet Union. Russia having now chosen to join the axis with China, is recognized as a "player" in a geopolitical firmament that includes the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia-Pacific.

The recent Warnews 24/7 reports describing the Kremlin's "anti-US" line are vindicated, yet no one had the clairvoyant skills to predict that Russia is now directly threatening America with another Cuban Missile Crisis.

  1. Mediating the conflict with Ukraine is impossible, according to Putin, but Moscow welcomes mediation itself, including mediation by "deliberate neutral" Recep Tayyip Erdogan
  2. Ukraine's leadership is in power illegally, and Russia's appeal to the Verkhovna Rada (Ukrainian parliament) under the current circumstances is pointless.
  3. Russia is taking seriously Trump's statements about the possibility of ending the conflict in Ukraine, but the Russian leader has not seen concrete proposals from the former president.
  4. Moscow will not agree to a cease-fire before the start of peace negotiations with Ukraine, hoping for positive mutual steps: "it is important to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of this and improving its positions" , says Putin
  5. The 2022 Istanbul accords were initialed by the head of the Ukrainian negotiating delegation, meaning they obviously suited Ukraine perfectly. These agreements are still "on the table" and could form the basis for continuing these negotiations.
  6. Regarding the possible deployment of medium- and shorter-range missiles: if the US systems appear somewhere, Russia can respond equivalently and completely, Putin says, leaving open the possibility of the installation of Russian missiles even in Cuba, thereby causing the danger a repeat of the near-nuclear showdown between the US and the USSR in 1962.

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