Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Vanishing Point

The Vanishing Point

Everything we are seeing in the US right now is a scripted plan, probably instigated at least since the 2020 election. As I mentioned in a previous screed, the idea from the beginning was to take out both front-runners in the Presidential race, between the end of the primary cycle and the conventions, in order to create maximum chaos and subvert the electoral process. This would allow the “elites” to insert their preferred cut-outs without having to go through all that boring selection process, or follow those annoying laws and regulations.

The problem is, Trump didn’t get dead.

With no back-up plan, the Bumbledicks are forced to run with their script, trying to retrofit the existing situation into their Evil Plan for Global Domination (EPGD). Even though Trump got the Buckethead Nomination, they have to continue with the EPGD, and so they’ve executed a Palace Coup, much like the way Nikita Khrushchev was taken out in 1964, which confirms our theory that we are rhyming the 1960s.

We must also assume that they will not stop trying to rid themselves of the Trump Problem, until at least the moment he is sworn in.

We should emphasize that nothing we see or hear in the GeezerMedia is true…nothing. It is all meant to obfuscate, distract and confuse the uncritical masses. The waves of new crises, events and narradigms are being used to keep public discourse constantly moving from one topic to another, so no one can focus too closely on anything. It is entirely up to use to continue gnawing the bone until we’ve sucked out all the marrow.

As further proof that we are following a script, witness the rapid pivot from Biden to Harris. Within 24 hours, a letter of questionable provenance appeared on TwiX, ostensibly tendering Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 campaign. Harris was immediately swapped out, and by Monday afternoon, she was said to have united a critical mass of delegates, as well as taken control of campaign funding to the tune of US$91 million. The latter has been pitched as being the greatest donation haul in US campaign history, but really it’s just stolen…er, repurposed funds that don’t represent new donations from breathless Dembots forking over their hard-earned shekels.

Furthermore, the GeezerMedia is pulling their old Hillary Trick of publishing “polls” that show Harris already taking a lead over Trump. Keep in mind many of these “polls” use the same questionable IPSOS data, massaged a half-dozen different ways to squeeze a predetermined result out of the same old turnip. Download the data and play with it yourself. Your results will be just a valid.

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