Sunday, July 21, 2024

Terry James: UN Meeting In September - 'Pact For The Future' To Push Rapid Completion Of Agenda 2030

Reset or Rapture?
Terry James

Geopolitical dynamics are at a fever pitch. That is, there is chaos in every direction we look. There is a sense of a mighty shaking within the stratospheric global powers that be.

Rather than making the great progress toward instituting their much-ballyhooed Great Reset, those powers are, while God restrains, bumping in a lurching fashion against one barrier after another to their blueprint to Build Back Better.

It is as if they sense viscerally that they must have everything in place no later than the year 2030 for whatever is coming next in the evolution of humankind. And this is something they themselves must control, or else the planet is doomed.

We who observe the world as it has morally degraded to this point sense just as strongly as the globalist elites that there is indeed a reset that needs to take place. We, through frustration and Lot-strength vexation sometimes feel as if we, too, are bumping up against barriers to the great change we desire more than anything. Why does the Rapture not happen? is the lament from many of us in this camp. And there is no doubt from this pre-Trib viewpoint: Planet earth is indeed facing doom.

We have looked at before in this column the human-centered drive toward having everything in place for the Great Reset. Now, with the turmoil boiling more intensely by the day, with America’s unique position of nation-state dominance, but in chaotic upheaval politically, the holdup to implementation of their “Build Back Better” effort is exacerbated.

Here, again, is the story of the dilemma the New World Order-builders face.

The United Nations will meet in September for the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, as well as the highly-anticipated “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the so-called “Pact for the Future.” 

The Pact is expected to call for declaring a “planetary emergency.” What does this agreement and its policies mean for the future of individual and national sovereignty?

By the end of September, the United Nations member states may vote to radically alter the UN itself, what some are calling UN 2.0, and the very nature of how nation-states make decisions regarding the future of the planet. The UN will convene for the 79th session of the General Assembly in New York City starting on September 10th in New York City. The high-level general debate will begin on the 24th of September.

It is the latest attempt by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to “rally the troops,” and garner more support for a rapid completion of the Agenda 2030 goals set by the UN in 2015.

In May 2023, Guterres revealed that efforts to complete Agenda 2030, and the corresponding Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), were failing. Guterres warned that only 12 percent of the SDGs were on track to be completed. He said progress on 50 percent of the goals is “weak and insufficient,” while 30 percent of the SDGs have “stalled or gone into reverse.” He predicted that if the current trend holds only 30 percent of nations will accomplish SDG1, focused on poverty, by 2030…

For those reading between the lines and seeing through the buzzwords, the language of these documents rings of globalist-speak intended to override or outlaw national and individual sovereignty in favor of world government. 

A new monetary system, a renewal of the multilateral system – all of this is designed to sell the public on the idea that the UN (or some new international body) is needed to take humanity safely into the future. In truth, we are likely to see major steps towards the creation of a one-world government at the Summit for the Future. (Derrick Broze, “UN 2.0 Coming This Fall – Setting The Stage For Global Government,” Activist Post, 5/1/24)

A great rush to bring into being the Great Reset is moving toward the fall of 2024. Some prophecy watchers from the pre-Trib camp have offered that the fall of this year might be a time particularly likely for God’s Great Reset to take place.

Certainly, with all things shaping for the Tribulation seeming to be front and center, both resets might coincide at any moment.


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