Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities with Chemtrails

Pilots Testify Bill Gates Is Carpet Bombing Cities with Chemtrails

Sean from The People’s Voice is back with this bombshell report from whistleblower pilots involved in geoengineering programs

We have all seen the freakish and unnatural Chemtrail patterns in the skies above major cities and regional centers. While the mainstream media attempts to convince the public that there’s nothing to see here, these freakish geometric Chemtrails do not fit into any natural cloud pattern and they have only begun appearing in recent decades.

What are they spraying into the sky? Who’s doing it? Why are they doing it? And what’s their motives? Most importantly, what can we the people do to put an end to this?

According to commercial pilots who’ve been investigating the phenomenon, the answers to these questions are dark and disturbing, and the paper trail exposes the depopulation agenda of the global elite.

Anybody who’s been paying attention to the world around them in recent times has noticed that our skies are changing. The Sun, once a large orange ball of fire, now appears whiter and smaller. Where clouds once erupted in beautiful natural shapes, including cirrus cumulus and nimbus formations, they now appear grid-like, resembling the bars of a giant prison planet.

Brave truth-tellers, unafraid of the wrath of the mainstream media and other elite gatekeepers, have been speaking about the phenomenon for years.

 In recent years, pilots and aviation industry professionals, including air traffic controllers, have been coming forward to blow the whistle on the unnatural and dangerous chemtrail phenomenon.

Former Pilot #1 Testifying in Court: The contrails, not the chemical, the contrails occur because of cold air, –30ºF. It takes a high altitude, around 30,000 feet plus. There’s carbon dioxide and water vapor in that exhaust. That turns to ice crystals. And that’s what you see, the white stream behind it. Those white crystals of ice warm up, dissolve, and the smoke goes away. And it never lasts more than a minute.

What we’re seeing now – and I first could not believe it – and I started looking at the skies and these are not normal. They’re not natural. There’s something going on. I don’t know who it is or why they’re doing it. All I can testify is it’s not natural and it’s not normal. It’s got to be some outside influence doing that. Thank you.

Former Pilot #2 Testifying in Court: I’m here to give you testimony that Chemtrails, they’re not contrails, are indeed real. They’re spraying almost every day. I watch the clouds and watch the spraying program going on. I want to tell you that we’re in very great danger from the pollution that’s coming down over us. And we’ve been led astray by the Military Industrial Complex. And they’re responsible for the clouds’ creation and weather manipulation programs. They’re dark operations. That’s why they’re not out in the media.

Former Pilot #3 Testifying in Court: I look around and I see people are starting to look up and see this. Many times I’ve spoken about Chemtrails and I get this blank look on my face. What are you talking about? I’m saying, “Look up.” As a pilot, before I fly, I look up. And so Boy, they’re really out there working. When you look up at the sun, you see a white haze.

Former Pilot #4 Testifying in Court: That is aluminum floating in the air right now.

He’s not wrong about the aluminum. But what else is in the Chemtrails? Richard Vobes interviewed two commercial pilots last week who’ve been conducting in-depth research into Chemtrails, after becoming disturbed by what was happening in the industry. To protect their anonymity, the two pilots had their voices digitized for the interview.

Whistleblower: Yes, I can answer that, Richard. So what they’re spraying, all around Europe we have had tests done from the dust on your car, from the dust on roofs. And I’ve noticed the Chemtrails, personally for about the last 10 years. So they have been tested. If you go onto a website that I’ll give you initially, it is: That’s A lot of confirming information can also be found on that website.

So, we have had many samples tested from various laboratories, where they have mass spectrometers. And the main constituents are barium, strontium, aluminium oxide. The first two are carciogenic. Aluminium oxide promotes Alzheimer’s disease amongst other things. And there are various microplastics, up to 2% uranium and graphene oxide, which we all know about. These tend to be the basic elements in what they’re spraying.

The justification for it, they say, – and we’re talking the New World Order, Globalists, et cetera, et cetera – is to “dim the Sun” because it’s “Climate Change” or whatever they want to call it next week. It’s to dim the Sun and to insidiously poison everything. It is the depopulation program. It all leads back to that. It leads back to the World Health Organization. It leads back to the WEF, W-E-F at Davos.

And the main players who are sponsoring this are the Bill Gates Foundation and various others. But this is in their Agenda 2030, in the Agenda 2021. It’s well-documented in the John Hopkins University agendas. They are all publicly available.

The elite agenda to block the Sun has taken a serious turn this year, with Bill Gates and George Soros pumping tens of millions of dollars into schemes to spray aerosols into the atmosphere to shield the Earth from the life-giving rays of the Sun.

Meanwhile, thanks to extreme weather events in Dubai, the mainstream media was forced to admit that governments do engage in weather modification in the form of cloud-seeding.

According to the pilots, the Chemtrail agenda is part of this plot to destroy life on earth by blocking the Sun – and farms, in particular are already experiencing the negative effects of the elite’s anti-life agenda.


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