Monday, July 22, 2024

Other than nuclear war, the digital revolution is mankind’s greatest disaster

Other than nuclear war, the digital revolution is mankind’s greatest disaster

It has been clear to me from the beginning that the digital revolution was a massive catastrophe in the making.

The digital revolution is a catastrophe across the board. It not only gives government ability to impose tyranny beyond George Orwells’ imagination, it subjects all accumulated knowledge to wipe out by an electromagnetic pulse, and it causes shutdown of worldwide economic activity because of a bug in cybersecurity software.

We got a taste of this last Friday. All over the world flights stopped. People could not access their bank accounts. Stores could not process transactions. People could not purchase food or clothing. Emergency police, health, fire services could not be contacted. All of this and more happened because a Crowdstrike cybersecurity update contained an error that closed down services relying on the Microsoft operating system.

Ask yourselves why humans, if they are actually intelligent, which I often doubt, would construct and impose such a fragile and easily disrupted system of communication. In my opinion the digital revolution is the work of people with insufficient vision and ability to comprehend the obvious fragilities of the unreliable and easily compromised digital system on which we find ourselves dependent.

There is no such thing as cybersecurity. A person has to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to know this. The information that this is the fact is dumped on us every day. AT&T announces a total breakdown in its security and that all of its customers’ information has been stolen. We hear the same from many corporations. Cities and utilities are held to ransom by cyber crooks who take over their systems. And so on.

The once proud American people have been forced to subject ourselves to being spied on by a tyrannical government, to have zero privacy, to be susceptible to theft of our identity, our bank accounts, our investment accounts, to be susceptible to the FBI implanting child porn on our computers or whatever evidence against us that they want to implant.

The Sun itself, if it goes on a rampage, can emit electromagnetic forces sufficient to wipe out digital information. A nuclear war would eliminate all information stored in the cloud. Survivors, if any, would know nothing. They would be back in caveman days.

The digital revolution has allowed every conceivable imaginable evil.

We are worried about “global warming.” We are worried about Bill Gates’ promise of a decade of pandemics. We are worried about Trump selling us out to Russia. We should be worried about the digital revolution terminating a functioning existence for mankind.

1 comment:

  1. I have resisted digital lifestyle all my life and have been constantly discriminated against (mostly by government). I believe this outage was a test to see what would happen when bombs are dropped on a few computer centers in the upcoming false flag or ww3.
    Why would an enemy bother blowing stuff up all over a country when they can simply shut the whole place down.
    Finally, will those preppers help others after being laughed at for years?????
