Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Life in the Millennium

Life in the Millennium

Daymond Duck

New World Order architects today claim to want to make life on planet Earth much better than humankind has thus far managed to construct. The slogan for those who want to create the equivalent of Utopia is “Build Back Better,” and they call this construction project “The Great Reset.”

In making their grandiose plans, they make the same deliberate, monumental mistake the antediluvians did. It is the same egregious error Nimrod and his minions made in their construction catastrophe on the plains of Shinar when they built the tower intended to reach into Heaven.

These earlier one-world, would-be masters of planet Earth, like their father Lucifer, determined to usurp the throne of God. They desired to be like the Most High—to take the place of the Creator. They fell for Satan’s lie that they could “be as God.”

The writer of Ecclesiastes was certainly on the mark with the line: “There is nothing new under the sun” (1:9). The present-day globalists elite, like the earlier rebels, are infected by the reprobate mind forewarned by the Apostle Paul:

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient. (Romans 1:28)

Their insane drive, through their sin-infected, upside-down thinking, will eventuate in God judging their rebellious wickedness. He will, like in destroying the antediluvian world order and in decimating the Tower of Babel construction, completely erase the final effort to build world order in the image of humankind. Daniel chapter 2 tells of the great stone from Heaven that will strike this final, evil world order, with the winds of God’s eternal Kingdom sweeping away all vestiges of fallen humanity’s rebellion. That great stone is the Lord Jesus Christ, the King of all kings.

We are witnessing today the build-up toward the final form of worldwide wickedness the globalists elite are planning. For a time, they will seem to be successful. As a matter of fact, their efforts are obviously making tremendous strides at the moment of this writing.

The effort seems led by the minions of the World Economic Forum (WEF). However, this anti-God organization is but the nucleus—the center—of a rapidly expanding range of concentric circles spreading the devil’s doctrine of “Building Back (Babel) Better.”

If we only consider all of the above, we have every reason to sense being plunged into the deepest abyss of depression. There would seem no hope of being able to climb out of that abyss of Ephesians 6:12 evil.

But, as the renowned broadcaster Paul Harvey used to say, this isn’t the end of the matter. Here is the rest of the story.


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