Thursday, July 18, 2024

Knesset Member: 'There will be no Palestinian State'

Knesset Member: “There will be no Palestinian State"

Knesset member Dan Illouz of the Likud party gave his remarks in English, the full transcript is below:

“A Palestinian state is not just a bad idea – it’s a dangerous one, under any circumstances, but especially now.

“On October 7th, we witnessed pure evil. Hamas terrorists butchered innocent Israelis, children, women, and men in cold blood. And now, there are voices suggesting we reward this savagery with statehood? This is madness.

A Palestinian state would be a reward for terrorism. It tells the world that violence pays off. This cannot happen.

Look at history. Every time we conceded land for peace, we got more terror. The Oslo Accords, the Gaza disengagement, the withdrawal from southern Lebanon – each move brought more bloodshed. Gaza, given to the Palestinian Authority, became a Hamas stronghold. They used it as a launchpad for rockets and murder. We cannot make the same mistake again.

A Palestinian state would put terrorists at our doorstep. Imagine Hamas rockets not just from Gaza, but from the heart of Judea and Samaria. Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, our airports – all within easy range of their terror. Can we afford this? Absolutely not.

And what about our history? Bethlehem, Hebron, Shechem – these are the cradle of Jewish civilization. Handing them over is not just a territorial compromise. It’s a betrayal of our ancestors, our identity, our soul.

Let’s be clear: A Palestinian state would be a disaster not just for Israel, but for the whole free world. It would embolden terrorists worldwide. It would send a message to ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and every other terror group that their tactics work. Massacres bring diplomatic gains. It would endanger cities like New York, London, Paris. We must not let this happen.

Instead of showing weakness, we must show strength. Instead of giving a prize to terror, we should make them pay a price. The Jordan Valley is a consensus in Israel. It is crucial to our security and our future. That is why I have introduced a bill in the Knesset to apply sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, effective October 7th. This is the clearest message we can send – we will not relinquish our historical lands.

Showing strength is the true way to move the whole region, and the whole world, forward. It will allow for the expansion of the Abraham Accords and turn Israel into a center of world trade, connecting East to West. The future can be bright, but only if we show strength. Those who believe that dangerous concessions will bring peace need to learn history. Only strength brings real peace, development, and when good actors are strong, then the future is brighter.

So let’s be unequivocal: There will be no Palestinian state. Not now. Not ever. We owe this to our children. We owe it to our ancestors. We owe it to the future of Israel and the free world.”

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