Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Knesset Approves Bills Declaring UNRWA A Terrorist Organization

MKs against UNRWA: 'No immunity for supporters of terrorism'

The Knesset on Monday approved several bills in a first reading declaring UNRWA a terrorist organization.

MK Boaz Bismuth (LIkud), who initiated one of the proposals, responded: "I am excited to announce that the law I initiated to close UNRWA has now passed its first reading. 

With a little effort, we can close this terrorist organization before the end of the session. The law sends a clear and sharp message to our enemies: we will not allow international organizations to continue in the industry of terrorism and incitement. Those who assisted Hamas will be punished. There is no place for enemies in the heart of the capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem."

MK Yulia Malinovsky (Yisrael Beytenu) added: "There isn't a day that the IDF spokesperson does not publish new findings from the field linking UNRWA to terrorism. 

UNRWA's involvement in the October 7th massacre is known to everyone, and the organization also meets all definitions of Article 2 of the Law for Combating Terror as a terrorist organization. 

But for some reason, the State of Israel has not yet defined it as such. It is time to lift the curtain on UNRWA, and if the Israeli government has not done so for more than nine months, the bill will make it a fact."

MK Ron Katz (Yesh Atid) emphasized that "The law brings moral justice against an organization that took an active part in the massacre, assisted terrorists, raped, slaughtered, and burned our brothers. It is inconceivable that the whole world would stop donations to UNRWA and only the State of Israel would continue them. 

Today we took the first step to end this farce."

MK Dan Illouz (Likud) responded: "UNRWA is an organization that supports terrorism, fosters hatred, and serves as a refuge for terrorists. While the State of Israel asks the world to stop funding UNRWA, it subsidizes it in practice through property tax discounts and other benefits derived from the organization's immunity. It is time to put an end to this nightmare - revoke UNRWA's immunity, stop its funding, and close it once and for all. We will not grant immunity to terrorism."

The Minister of Jerusalem Meir Porush (United Torah Judaism), noted that "The laws approved today in the first reading in the Knesset plenary regarding UNRWA's activities are another important step towards removing the organization that supports terrorism and assisted in the horrific massacre on October 7th. My office continues the staff work towards replacing UNRWA's services in East Jerusalem and completely stopping its activities in the city."

Shai Rosengarten, Deputy Chairman of grassroots Zionist organization Im Tirtzu said: "We congratulate MKs Boaz Bismuth, Dan Illouz, and Yulia Malinovsky for passing the bill in the first reading with determination and perseverance. Kudos on the important Zionist action to close UNRWA offices. All MKs who define themselves as Zionists must set a goal to pass the closure of UNRWA in the Knesset before 7.10.2024. UNRWA must be closed."

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