Saturday, July 13, 2024

Iran, Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah vs Israel

Hamas, Hezbollah And Tehran Are Fighting For An Islamic Empire


If you're among those who believe that widespread recognition of a Palestinian nation-state would resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, I'd remind you: This is an idea that has been tried and found wanting.

In 1964, at a summit meeting in Cairo, the Arab League created the Palestine Liberation Organization.

Three years later, Israel's Arab neighbors again attempted to push the Jews into the sea. Again, they failed.

By the conclusion of the Six-Day War, Israel had taken Gaza from Egypt and the West Bank from Jordan. The West Bank, by the way, had been known by its biblical names, Judea and Samaria, before those territories were conquered by Jordan in the 1948 war. Following that conquest, Jordan expelled the Jews, destroyed the synagogues and desecrated Jewish cemeteries and shrines.

In the aftermath of the 1967 war, the Arab League issued what became known as the "three No's": no peace with Israel, no negotiation with Israel, no recognition of Israel.

Today, Israel's most consequential conflict is with Iran's rulers who fund, arm and instruct Hamas, Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. Hezbollah, based in Southern Lebanon, has been rocketing northern Israel since Oct. 8. The Houthi rebels in Yemen and the Shia militias in Syria and Iraq are also proxies of Tehran.

For 45 years, Iran's self-proclaimed jihadis have vowed "Death to Israel!" and "Death to America!" The slogan of the Houthis: "God is Greatest, Death to America, Death to Israel, a Curse Upon the Jews, Victory to Islam."

Could there be a more explicit rejection of a two-state solution? Is it not indisputable that what Iran's rulers and their minions want instead is a "final solution"--the Nazi term for the extermination of Jews?

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