Monday, July 22, 2024

Globalist Marxists vs Christianity

The Plot To Demonize Christian Political Engagement

For a number of years now, what we have seen throughout Western nations and their media conglomerates is the use of language to introduce a three-step program to demonise, mobilise and marginalise.  They demonise Christianity in order to mobilise opponents to it in the hopes of marginalising those who are the salt and light of the nations in which they live, therefore diminishing their impact throughout their communities.  

Although you may be tempted to believe this is a recent strategy, it is actually taken from the Communist playbook.  In 1943, Communist party headquarters sent a directive to their American followers which read this:  "When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them after suitable buildups as fascist or Nazi or anti-Semitic and use the prestige of anti-fascist and tolerance organisations to discredit them. In the public mind, constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.  The association will after enough repetition become fact in the public mind." 

You see, the salt and light of Christianity has stung the darkened eyes of the Communists, the Marxists, the atheists and the secular humanists and they are doing whatever they can to rinse it out - even using fabrication and violence to do it.  

One commentator claimed that Christian nationalism was the "gasping, dying breath of the older generation in America that is afraid that Christians are going to be replaced."  As GK Chesterton famously put it: "At least five times the Faith has to all appearances gone to the dogs.  In each of these five cases, it was the dog that died".  Or, as he also stated, "Christianity has died many times and risen again: for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave."

The hope amongst politicians and the media is that by equating Christians with fanatics and conspiracy theorists, Christians will be sidelined from participating in the political process in their respective nations.  So, by utilizing the term "Christian nationalism," they want to imply that Christian political engagement is somehow nefarious, subversive, and violent.  

As a result of this strategy, many Christians then shrink back from their faith or, worse, soften their convictions and beliefs to appear non-threatening.  Now more than ever, we need to be speaking the truth in love.  Because let me remind you that the State is not there to shape our understanding of who we are or how we are to behave in this world - we have the Word of God and the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit to do that for us.  In many ways, what the wicked in our society are doing is trying to push Christianity out of the public square in order to protect the new religion which has been established in Western nations:  a religion based on secular humanism. 

You see, Christians have been fooled into believing the lie that there should be neutrality in the public square.  That is simply a tactic to keep believers out of it.  But, despite the views of the secular world, it is not wrong to stand for Christian truth in public.  Yet, many believers have simply accepted it is wrong because the government has told us so. 

As Fulton J Sheen once rightly remarked:  "A religion that doesn't interfere with the secular order will soon discover that the secular order will not refrain from interfering with it."  The State has been extremely adept at seemingly protecting religious liberty while simultaneously undermining our faith with its army of social power, most often unleashed through the power of media (particularly social media).  

Socialists and globalists are leveraging bitterness towards patriotism and nationalism to advance their own agenda by convincing the secular world that Christianity is intolerant of global ideas.  They have turned our principles of love for God and respect for country into something that is shameful, wrong and dangerous all so that they are able to convince the population that the globalist/socialist agenda is the right way forward and that Christian principles have no place in ruling government. 

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