Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Corporate Media Admits ‘Unelected Oligarchy’ Is Running Country, NOT Biden

Corporate Media Admits ‘Unelected Oligarchy’ Is Running Country, NOT Biden
Frank Bergman

The Democrats’ corporate media allies have finally started admitting that President Joe Biden is not really in charge and an “unelected” team of “governing oligarchy” is actually running the country.

Following Biden’s disastrous debate performance, liberal talking heads immediately began ringing the alarm bells.

Many have since been calling for Biden to bow out of the presidential race, including the president’s favorite news show, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

The New York Times editorial board called for him to stop running the day after the debate.

As Slay News reported Tuesday, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first congressional Democrat to go public and call for Biden to drop out.

And now, Biden’s allies are breaking from him and admitting to the world that he’s not in charge.

Axios, who within the last year has run headlines about Biden’s “vigor,” outlined the president’s puppet masters in a Wednesday run-down.

The article casts his wife Jill Biden, his sister Valerie Biden, and his longtime friend Ted Kaufman alongside a group of White House advisers as his unofficial handlers.

The outlet refers to this group of unelected handlers as a “governing oligarchy.”

“This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an extended family, council of elders, and governing oligarchy,” the outlet wrote.

“These allies alone hold sway over decisions big and small in Biden’s life and presidency.”

Regime media suddenly admits an unelected “oligarchy” surrounding Biden is really in charge of the country. “This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an … governing oligarchy. These allies alone hold sway over decisions big and small in Biden's life and presidency.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reported that Biden’s son Hunter joined him in the White House following the president’s return from a family gathering at Camp David over the weekend.

The report lends credence to Axios’ hypothesis.

Hunter, who has no official role in the administration, has reportedly been sitting in on high-level meetings with aides.

The unusual situation is leading Biden staffers to ask “What the hell is happening?” a source told NBC News.

Additionally, a former Obama administration official appeared to give credence to the puppet master theory.

On Tuesday, former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson chose to emphasize the handlers pulling Biden’s strings while trying to quell the media maelstrom.

Johnson mentioned the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, and USAID Administrator Samantha Power as reasons for voters to be hopeful.

He continued by claiming that “a presidency is more than just one man.”


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