Thursday, July 4, 2024

Arsonists Running the Fire Department

Arsonists Running the Fire Department

Imagine if you will, an exceptionally ambitious city fire department, located in a city with very few naturally occurring fires.

These ambitious firemen don’t have nearly enough work, prestige or pay for their liking. Uninterested in simply polishing their trucks, lifting weights and cooking chili, these firemen want more. A lot more.

They construct a plan. They will start a research program, funded by taxpayers, whereby they will develop an arsenal of the biggest, scariest, most flammable products on earth.

They will justify this program under the pretense that these destructive creations are absolutely necessary for the development of bigger and better fire extinguishers. Incidentally, they will also develop, market, and sell these fire extinguishers themselves.

These proprietary fire extinguishers will net the ambitious firemen an incredible fortune — if they can just get every man, woman and child in the city to buy one.

The fire department, working with the corporations that would manufacture their miracle extinguishers, actively publicizes the supposedly tremendous, ever-increasing risk of fires that they claim threaten the population.

According to the ambitious firemen, risk factors for worsened fires are everywhere and are ever-increasing — global warming, population growth, take your pick — and the next “big one” is just around the corner.

Credulous, fearful citizens and heavily lobbied politicians fall for their story, pumping ever more tax dollars into the fire department’s research and development program.

The fire department develops and grows its stockpile of manufactured fire super-hazards, until one day …


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